View Full Version : earthquake sensations

23-05-06, 20:51
i have a question for people who suffer from dizzy spells.
does anyone else sometimes suddenly get the sensation of the ground shaking or tilting or swaying under their feet when walking outside? if so can anyone explain why it happens? or offer any tips for coping.
it happens to me sometimes usually accomanied by depersonalisation/derealisation (i can never remember which is which) and i find it extremely disturbing and difficult to deal with calmly. i did at first wonder if i might have an inner ear problem or something like that but then decided it coulnt be as i dont get it at home.

23-05-06, 21:46
these are sooo normal, my friend suffers from anxiety about her health just like me and she suffered from it really bad yesterday. her gp said it was coming from her tension especially in her neck area. also the added panic made the dizzyness worse.

the key is not to fear these symptoms, easier said than done i know


23-05-06, 22:42
Hi emster, I've written loads re. dizziness and how to cope with it. have alook under dizzy. i have had vertigo for years. Neck tension causes the blood supply to balance mechanism in ears to reduce hence you are dizzy, you can also feel 'unreal'. I do exercises now to help release tension and to retrain my brain to adjust to movements that makde me dizzy. PM me if you want any more info.
Take care


'This too will pass'

april tones
23-05-06, 23:24
Hiya, i used to get all this yrs ago whn i was realy bad
The more you read on anxciety,depression etc better itwill be xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

25-05-06, 10:11
Hi Emster
Are you taking any medication, I used to think medication caused feelings like this, but now I'm not so sure.


25-05-06, 16:43
nope, not on any kind of medication at all.

25-05-06, 16:46
Hi - I used to get this all the time, it would feel like I was walking on jelly or that the ground was moving up and down, I also got it when I sat down and laid down - horrid. CBT therapist said it was muscle tension. I still get it sometimes now, especially when I'm tired and tense - if I relax my shoulders it eases.
Love Helen

26-05-06, 01:05
Hello emster, yes I get exactly the same symptoms as you do - I have had agoraphobia for about 30 years now. The first panic attack I had was when I was sitting upstairs on a bus, I honestly thought the bus was tilting over and, needless to say, dashed off it! My friends have commented that they know when I'm feeling anxious or about to have a panic - apparently I walk as close to a wall or solid building as possible! I guess this is because I feel like either I'm going to fall over or that the ground is tilting! I think relaxation of the muscles is the answer, easier said than done though when you're in a place or situation you're scared of, eh?