View Full Version : nose bleeds!! feel like being sick

23-10-11, 18:53
So I was just eating my tea and started having a nose bleed. It lasted a second and was basically just abit of blood that I wiped once with a tissue. It was from both nostrils.

I immediatly panicked ran up stairs and started crying. I am thinking I'm dieing and I feelin sick, dizzy, heart pounding and shaky!!

Omg! I need help. I'm going doctors and seeing wat they say. I'm in such a panic right now!! I immediatly gogled it too!

What do nose bleeds mean. I ony had them during pregnancy and that was normal. I am extremely worried now :'( help

23-10-11, 23:04
anxiety and nose bleeds go hand in hand, its very common with anxiety or anyone who suffers from stress

google do anxiety sufferers get nose bleeds if your going to google anything :)

23-10-11, 23:15
Never heard of a nose bleed that lasted a second, were you blowing your nose and how much blood was there?
If you have a cold it's normal you will get some bleeding :hugs:
You aren't dying, your anxiety is just making it seem worse that it actually is :)
If you had them before then it's pretty normal, it's when a blood vessel breaks I think.

You really shouldn't worry, I have seen people who get awful nose bleeds with lots of blood, 2 of em ended up getting a minor operation to prevent further bleeds

24-10-11, 09:13
It was really weird. No I wasn't blowing or anythoin. I was sat eating my tea and as I wipe my mouth there was blood. I looked at my hand a secondwonderin what I had come from and then as I touched my nose moticed it was from there. I normally feel blood comin down but this time I didn't. I went upstair looked in the mirror and noticed thatmy both nostrils were bleeding. All I did was get some tissue and wipe. I wole up with one a couple days ago too but that lasted about 10 minutes and I was sat squeezing my nose.

I've been feeling extremely anxious the last couple of days too so it didn't help atal! I normally take 3 tablets a day but I've been only taking one not on time because I've had so much going on!

Google did say anxiety can be a cause and also dry places or change of weather. I have noticed I've had a bit of a dry feel to my nose but also like when I sniff snot that won't go away. Its weird.

If it happens again. I'm going to have to go to the doctors I think. As soon as it happened. I got a headache. My whole person felt tense. Sick. Lightheaded. Can't breath. Out of breath. Heart punded and I got this feelin of a warm rush through my body.

Thanks for the replys

24-10-11, 09:55
Ya I don't get nose bleeds so if I did I know id be worried :)
It's good to see your doc , it's more than likely just a cold or stress related but least once you have seen the doctor you won't need to worry.