View Full Version : Back on Cipralex

24-10-11, 07:06
Hey everyone
I've slowly taken myself off of my 10mcg of Cipralex over a 3 week period, without my doctors direction. I felt after I got fully off them I was experiencing a few things, mostly mood swings, not violent just either get frustrated fast or really quiet.

I've started taking 5mcg (day 3) now I'm getting headaches and now getting "that feeling" of anxiety again, this has all started since going back on, is this normal? Should I have continued to have stayed Cipralex free? In hoPes those mood swings go away on there own? Or should I cOntinue to take them, getting back in my system.

I never stopped taking cipralex because of effects or how I felt, cause I felt great and symptom free, just figured after 1 yr I would try coming off of them.

Thanks all


24-10-11, 16:14
Probably wasn't the best idea without the help and advice of your doctor.

I don't really understand why you took this decision, a year is not a long time in the scheme of things, it probably took a good 6 months to get to a stable point.

I am no expert but I think a) you came off when you shouldn't have b) you have done it far too quickly c) you have now gone back on. I am guessing at the moment your body is adjusting to all these changes over a relatively short period of time.

Make an appointment with your docs, decide whats the best way forward for you, either to try and come off or carry on taking them.

Best wishes

24-10-11, 19:19
I agree with smb. From what I know of cipralex, the weaning off should happen over a period of months rather than weeks. Plus, as smb as said, 1 year isn't a long time. I'm 3 months into cipralex and only just feeling consistent relief from pd and agoraphobia. My doc has said a minimum of 6 months from the time I start feeling consistently better and I've already decided (based on past exp with ads) that I'm on for at least a year and when we (doc and I) decide it's time to try it without ads, then I'll taper off over the course of a few months. Some people can do it more quickly but I don't ever want to feel the way I did this past spring and summer again and will do whatever it takes to make sure that I don't.

my 2 cents.


26-11-11, 17:56
The nurse practitioner suggested I tried taking one every other day which I have been doing but I have noticed my oldest cat looking thinner (he is 17 and a half) so now I am anxious again. I am thinking of resuming my normal dosage again.

26-11-11, 19:05
as i understand it, if you have come off too quickly you should start taking your last dose again if you have problems, but i would speak to your gp, i agree i year is'nt really long enough, and if you felt so well they were obviously doing their job, rather take 1 small tab and be well, than go through the anxiety again, don't be too hard on yourself for trying, just don't be in too much of a rush, these things do take time. take care x

I Will Overcome
26-11-11, 22:40
I agree with JMac. I have only just started on Ciprolax, and from what I have found out through my own research, is that yes it takes approx. 6 months for it to really be effective ... having felt so bad for so long ... I wouldn't be taking myself off it without a conversation and support from my doctor. As pinkdove said, one must be patient, take one's time and be sure it's the right course for you:) Best wishes! ox