View Full Version : click or like something in throat ?????? please help

24-10-11, 10:03
Does anyone have a feeling of something clicking or moving in throat when you swallow with your head turned to the side??? Its fine when my head and neck are facing forwards but when its turned to the side its almost like something it sqeezing past the ligaments in my thraot or something!!!! Sooooo hard to explain x

24-10-11, 11:58
Hi Bexy,
I get the same thing. Although mine tends to happen when my head is straight. Just a strange click from the back of my throat. I also get strange spasms in my throat/back of mouth. Do you get this to? Its driving me mad atm. My HA is centred around mouth/throat issues at the moment. Once I've got over one symptom another comes along. ARGHHHHHHHH!!
Take care of yourself. Xxx

24-10-11, 12:56
Yes I get these, also have the feeling of pressure in and against my throat!! Driving me mad! Xx

24-10-11, 17:04
I'm pleased in a way that it isn't just me!! I thought I had some dreadful disease (my head says its got to be cancer!!) but the most likely outcome is its yet another symptom of bloomin anxiety. I hate the pressure feeling, I go everywhere with a bottle of water so I can take sips of it to make sure my throat isn't closing up - mad!! Its crazy really because at the moment I don't particularly feel that anxious but my throat is spasming constantly which in turn makes me anxious!! Wish the ride would just stop so I can get off and have a 'normal' (!?!?!) life again!!!!

24-10-11, 18:34
I worry about throat cancer of some sort!!! It is driving me crazy, been to doc and he said its ok but there again thurs to see him again, I'm just worried!!!! Xxx I feel like my throat is tight all the time! X