View Full Version : Advice needed on Job

24-10-11, 12:19

18 months ago I was diagnosed with Panic and Anxiety, after receiving CBT and taking several different tablets, I am now off both but over the last month, my anxiety has been getting worse again:mad:, I am struggling to get up in time for work, when I get to work I just want to sit at my desk as it feel as though my legs dont want to move thats without the nausea and dizzyness ontop then comming up to lunchtime I have no appetite and dont want to eat and can sit at my desk heaving and just wanting to go home :huh: I am seriously considering quitting my job as its 90minutes from where I live and I hate travelling into London on the busy trains, thats even before the Olympics kick off next year.

I feel that I am just about keeping it together and its worse in the morning when I first wake up and its still dark outside !

I dont know what help and support would be ou there if I left my job and am worried about my condition getting worse!

I am a single mum to 1 son and dont want him to suffer because of me, when he goes to his dads its like my body just shuts down, I dont want to go out and I could just stay like that until he comes home, now he is getting older I am feeling more and more insecure, I dont feel like I have anyone to talk too my mum and dad are in their 70's and my sister and brother have there own problems without me adding to them!

I just dont know how to pull myself out of this state and get on with my life, it feels like everywhere I look there is smiling happy families and thats all I want but Im at a loss of how to achieve it!

My sons dad was very mentally abusive towards me, didnt like me having friends of my own, would phone me at work demanding that I run around after him, relied on me to do everything for him and if I didnt it would cause no end of rows.....

I dont want to be unemployed but am finding it very difficult to cope with travelling to work and staying there does anyone have any advice ?