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23-05-06, 23:01
On Friday I had the worst attack i have ever experienced. i was in a shop ( and had taken a chill pill before i left home) and started shaking. the next thing i remember was that i was in hospital in a and e. it was also about 2 hours later and i couldn`t move my neck and left leg. i had to ask the doctor to move it for me, so that i could get my body moving again. i also wet myself which was so embaressing.
sometimes when i have a panic attack, my left hand goes into a fist. it then takes about an hour to be able to open it again.
is this normal? what do i do? could this be epilepsy? please help me as this is really scary for me.[xx(]


23-05-06, 23:10
hi michelle you poor thng im having problems at the moment with neck shoulder and ear pain its horrible today alone ie diagnosed brain tumour anurism heart you name it i think i have it lol
you are not alone this site is great hope you feel bettr soon xx

24-05-06, 07:46
Hi michelle
The hand going into a fist is called "tetanic contraction"it means that when you panic breathe your body gets confused and cuts of blood supply to some parts and pumps blood to other parts so you can run away - the muscles then spasm in your hand. i had this happen in the doctors once and he made me breathe in and out of a paper bag - after a few minutes I could move my hand open again. Scary scary but you can over ride panic breathing by breathing in and out of a paper bag.
You would be surprised, as I was, that panic breathing and this type of thing is really really common. You are not alone.
Try not to worry and use this site as much as you can as its so helpful.Wenjoy

24-05-06, 16:41
Hi Michelle
Sorry you hand such a bad experience. I'm sure the drs did checks on you, especially if you were unconcious. It sounds like you passed out rather than had a seizure but they will have checked for that. have you had a follow up from the hospital or your GP just to put your mind at rest?
take care


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 23:31
wenjoy- i have tried the paper bag and it doesnt work for me. i am just so frustrated with this and i am also booked unfit to work due to these attacks.
i also never know when they will come, i just start to shake.
i dont know if they did anything to me before i came around. i am also waiting for testing for epilepsy.
