View Full Version : Face Spams

24-10-11, 15:34
Okay – I am beyond stressed right now for a variety of reasons. And my anxiety is super high and has been for the past couple of months. I am working on the anxiety part – with medicine and therapy. In the mean time – a new health symptom has come into play. I have been having face spasms and face muscle tightening on the left side of my face. At first it freaked me out (well, still kind of does) and I thought I was having a stroke. Went to the Urgent Care and a stroke was ruled out. They said likely stress, dehydration, etc…..I am going in for a full physical on the first of November.

So symptoms are like this….I can feel my neck muscles getting tight…usually I will stand up to get something and I can feel my left eye start to force its way close…and then the left side of my face gets really tight – every time thus far it has been during high times of stress and anxiety. There is no pain, no headaches – I can still talk fine (well a little weird with my face so tight) and there is no confusion on my part. It’s just more annoying. Lasts about 30-45 seconds and then stops. I can still feel everything and can still smile afterwards. Its all in the face and neck – nothing down the arm or left side of my body. I know this could be a million things – I am trying not to think the worst (tumor). It could be Bells Palsy, hormones I suppose (I am 43 and going through the female change), bad diet and not enough liquids, etc….

Anyone else have this happen to them…..Please tell me I am not the only one!!!

24-10-11, 16:01
No sweetie when my anxiety is really high I get face spasm like you described good thing to have ruled out possible stroke. Plus dehdrated can do it as well, drink some gatorade or vitamin water get your electrolites balanced.

24-10-11, 16:11
Thank you! Gatorade is a GREAT idea! I never thought about the electrolites balance!!

24-10-11, 16:14
You should read my post on TMJ symptoms, I was getting the same issue.


TMJ which I have had for years so , some of the symptoms will over lap.

Tight , tense jaw which makes it hard to talk, as my jaw is being pulled back in.

Muscle cramps and spasms in my jaw and neck. Which can feel like someones trying to strangle me.

Tense muscles on the left side of my face, that side can look a bit frozen when I talk.

Tense tongue and throat on the left side.

When I smile the corners of my lips jump and twitch, I can feel it with my fingers but not sure if any one can actually see this.

Twitching, I get this all over my face, mainly on the sides of my face, jaw, eyes and very painful ones on my tongue .

Numbness, mainly in my right ear and right side of face including lip and eye. This comes and goes, I think it's due to that nerve under the tooth being irritated.

Head pressure, this I believe is coming from my very tense jaw and neck muscles. I occasionally get a head jerk where my jerks all of a sudden.

The tense jaw, causes a sensation of pressure , it feels like the pressure will break my jaw . "


I am thinking TMJ or just tension, really notice if you are tensing your jaw, I do it alot without noticing it :)
A dentist may be a good place to start

24-10-11, 16:16
Ooo, THANK YOU - I was thinking about TMJ as well....I totally think I tense up and night when I am sleeping as my jaw feels like it had a work out in the morning!

24-10-11, 17:08
Very true Mishel I grind my teeth when I sleep when my anxiety is bad and wake feeling like my face ran a marathon lol.

24-10-11, 23:29
I have a feeling that I do "grind" or "clench" my teeth at night....well, I think one good note is that when these "spasms" happen I am not disorientated, only last about 30-45seconds, are not painfull, and I can talkright through them (no slurring of speech)...of course talking is a bit strange when your mouth muscels are pulling in one direction though.

Did a little experiment today....having a hard time this morning....my face did the spasm thing, my stress & anxiety levels were high. So I took two Xanax (which I have for times when things get overwhelming - but I really try not to take them)....so for about 6 hours today, I felt great....my neck relaxed, no spasms, didn't even think about it much. Well, now the the Xanax has worn off....had a face spams and neck is tense again. I am leaning towards this being stress related.....it'll be interesting what the Dr. says next week!