View Full Version : Hello everyone..

24-10-11, 17:23
First post.. im a 21 year old lad that suffers really bad from health anxiety regarding my heart..

I've read lots of topic on here with people seeim to have a similar problem

ive had an Echo, a million ECG's, Tredmill test

Always come back fine

and i still find myself fascinated with it thinkin they've missed somethin

im constantly aware of my heart beat get the chest pain hot flushes etc

suffer from reflux like everyone else seems too

sat here now in a state of terror thinkin i wont make it through the day or night :( its really horrible

anybody have any advice? thanks and nice to meet you all.

24-10-11, 18:39
Hi Keiron:welcome:
Just wanted to welcome you to the forum and say that, as you've discovered, there are loads of people on here that suffer with health anxiety with regard to their heart. I don't (well, not at the moment anyway!) worry about my heart so much, but I can relate to that awful feeling that Drs have missed something, especially if you're still getting symptoms. Also, I can really identify with the feeling that you won't make it through the day or night. It is a horrible feeling and common to many, many HA sufferers.

All I would say is, anxiety can produce many heart-related symtoms and the ones you list (chest pain, awareness of heart beat and hot flushes are typical). Keep posting on here and it's good also to do a search of other people's posts. There's lots of reassuring advice. Plus, bare in mind that with all the heart tests you've had done, if anything was to be found, I'm sure your doctor would have picked it up.

Take care

24-10-11, 18:43
Hi Keiron,
I too suffer with health anxiety regarding my heart, had blood tests and ECG's just like you. It was palpitations that triggered my anxiety which is strange to me as I had not really noticed them before and everybody gets them! If everything has come back fine then you will be ok, it's just the anxiety which makes you feel that something isn't right. I'm trying to shrug off the thought of my heartbeat but I do struggle myself and it is annoying and scary so I know how you're feeling. Hope you feel better soon.