View Full Version : Why is it so easy...

24-10-11, 18:41
Hello everyone,

I haven't posted in quite some time - I have been pretty busy with life and such. My wife and welcomed our first child into the world, and I have been a stay-at-home dad.

My question is this... Why is it so easy for us to relapse into these health anxiety fears and questions when something as simple as a cold enters our lives? On top of this, why is it so hard for people who struggle with HA's to realize that people get sick? It is a way of life... and something people have to deal with - there are colds, flus, etc. in our world that we encounter every day.

I ask this because when I am healthy... I feel exactly like the latter part of my question. I understand and think rationally. However, this weekend, I came down with a mild cold... I have some congestion, sore throat and a mild fever (if you can call it that - it's only been as high as 100F). Since all this started, all I have thought is "This is it! This is the end... This is when all my fears become a reality."

I know in my heart that I am fine... and it is a cold. But I cannot get my head to believe it whenever I am sick. You would think i would when I think my wife and daughter are also sick with colds... so it is in our house.

I just pray every day for this to let me go... and whenever I get sick, all bets are off. It tightens its grip and holds on... crippling me from doing anything else.

I am sharing this in hopes I am not the only one who feels this way... Anyone relate?


24-10-11, 19:35
Yes, me.
I have been fine until now, I think I'm coming down with something, I keep sneezing and my kids have a cough, so I guess I will get a mild cold soon.
I don't mind about the cold/feeling run down as such, it's just what comes with it.
I have anxiety again, my husband noticed when I kept looking at myself in the mirror. It's not anxiety about death or anything, but a symptom that I am worried about.
Deep down I know it's because I am feeling run down etc... and that my nerves are over sensitized, but still.
I think the best thing to do is to surrender (or try to), and let it pass.
Difficult I know, but this too will pass, like everything else.
Good luck :winks:

24-10-11, 19:39
Hi Adam,

Im the same, just posted on tricias thread about it.

Get better soon x

24-10-11, 20:17
I'm the same way, I finally calm down and then something happens and all hell breaks loose in my mind again. If I get sick or if a family member does, I freak out again. It's awful. I just try to talk myself out of it, but it does not always work.

On a lighter note ...

Congratulations on the baby!

24-10-11, 20:45
Me too!!!! Can't seem to have a simple cold (or whatever) - straight into catastrophising mode and obsessed with whatever it is, or might be!!!! I 'had' swine flu when I was in NY ... my husband thought it was a very strange case when I was able to do all the touristy things and was whizzing around everywhere so that I didn't miss anything!!! (OK, I admit it, it was just a bit of a sore throat .... but you never know .... it could have been ... or it might be next time!!! - what a way to live our lives - it's sooooooo exhausting!). Congratulations on the new baby! Take care x