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View Full Version : scared I have bladder cancer?

24-10-11, 23:32
well, for a month now i've had what i thought, and all my doctors thought was a UTI.
i was given amoxocillin the first time i brought it up with my doctor, it did nothing.
i went back almost a week later and was prescribed trimethoprim which worked for around a day and then came back! i then went to urgent care a couple of days later, they did a dipstick test which came back i had traces of an infection so was prescribed augmentin which was great and had relief for around 5 days until i held my pee in for around 5 hours, at which time me and my boyfriend were "fooling around" whilst i still needed to pee. i know i shouldn't have after suffering a UTI but i just assumed it had gone.
anyway i went to go pee and then i just couldn't stop!
i had this for about a week which then went away on its own and got some relief for 3 days, but for some reason its yet again come back and i'm really scared i have a tumor pushing on my bladder. i sit down to pee and only a bit comes out i t doesn't hurt and i feel great its just i can't seem to settle as i feel the urge to pee all the time. i'm so so so worried its a tumor, i'm ringing up the doctors again tomorrow and see if i can get reffered to a urologist as i've had enough :( but i'm really scared they'll find a tumor.
can anyone help me please? i'm really scared and i've had enough of having this urge to pee.

25-10-11, 06:52
Sorry u are haven hard time with this I've never been threw it , but I have a good friend that's going threw it right now she has had ct scan on bladder and she goes for bladder scope tomorrow , i wish I could help I wish u well soon , tc hun

25-10-11, 08:40
Is it possible that the antib's you hve been taken has given you thrush? Thrush can also have the same kind of feeling as a bladder infection and not all the time do you get discharge. I have suffered from UTIs for years getting one bout other another - I am prone and have to live with them. They can get you realy down. Pop to your chemist and speak to your pharamists and ask about thrush... they are usually good at recognising the symptoms.

25-10-11, 14:41
Thanks for replying :)
sorry to hear about your friend jessica i can understand what she's going through :(
and Ambers I have been a bit itchy down there now that I think about it will pop back to the doctors tomorrow and see if they can squeeze me in, i was due a urine culture but my period came on and i'm not sure if that can affect the results or not.