View Full Version : cant go through this again

25-10-11, 07:41
iv been feeling great for about 3 months now, just had a week off from work chilled relaxed no stress nothing , went to bed last night and bang there you go a big panic attack for nothing , eventually managed to sleep but here we are its still here this morning , trying to get ready for my work feeling terrified (of what i dont know) have just taken a sedative to try get me through.I cant go back to how i was im so scared of going through this again i feel so sad and scared .

macc noodle
25-10-11, 08:04
Janet honey, this is the nature of the beast :weep:

Please do not be sad and scared - it will pass you know it will - it has done so before.

Listen, I know how hard it is but you really do need to try and to to work - it might just help. :hugs:

It is just a blip - look at the rest of us - you have seen us all go through this and come out the other side - you will feel better.

I know that this is probably no use to you at the moment but it is true that if you just let the panic attack wash over you and not pay it any attention or be scared of it, it naturally ebbs away. I promise you it does and I also promise you that although you feel really crappy this morning and scared, nothing bad will happen to you :hugs:

I am away to FB now to see if I can catch you there.

Macc Noodle


25-10-11, 08:31

You have as you said had a nice relaxing week off work, and subconsciously you have prob psyched yourself up about going back, hence you having a blip...Once you get to work you prob wont feel half as bad as you think you will..Its that initial first day back, those horrible feelings will pass and you will get thru it...You have done amazingly well, thes blips are just sent to try us but they make us stronger..You will be fine i just know you will, we are thinking of you...Tcx

25-10-11, 08:44

Really sorry to hear that - as said above the unpredictibility and randomness of it is very much the "nature of the beast" which is what makes it all so horrible.

Try and remember you felt OK last week and you might find if you can get into work and through those first few hours you will be OK - not promising anything but you never know.

Have you had breakfast ;)

25-10-11, 10:46
Hi janet, so sorry you are feeling bad just now, but all i can say is that i agree with all of the above, you have given a great deal of support on chat, to me, and many others, so just try to remember, it is just a blip, and you will get past it. thinkng of you take care xx

25-10-11, 11:03
Janet, I'm so sorry to hear you had such a bad night. You are a lovely person and deserve the very best in life. Hopefully that panic attack is just a bad memory by now and you can go on progressing and kicking that old anxiety into touch :hugs:
I'm always here if you need to talk.

25-10-11, 12:54
Aww Janey, I can't say much more than what's already been said. You're strong and you can get through this. Hope you managed to go in to work and hope you're feeling better now.

Sending you big squishy panda hugs xx :bighug1:

25-10-11, 20:15
hi guys , thanks for everything , managed to make it through work ,was tough though hopefully sleep better tonight that should help and no james i never had breakfast :blush: i really need to practice what i preach xxx