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View Full Version : Had ultrasound scan done.

25-10-11, 11:24
Ok as many of you know i have had microscopic blood in my urine, so the doctor sent me to see a urologist he sent me for a CT Scan then about a week ago i got a letter out of the blue to have a ultrasound scan done.

I thought it was just procedure and they were doing both.

Well i went in to the room and see said right it's for your liver (i was like wtf) supposedly when having my CT Scan they found something (duno what that mean's) near my liver and they secduled me for a ultrasound scan (guessing that's the radiographer) well she found nothing and said she will compile her report for my urologist i see on Friday.

I am freaking out here what do i beleive the CT Scan or Ultrasound? Can a CT Scan sometime's be wrong? Or could what the radiographer have seen is nothing?

I dunno what to do! I now have to wait 3 day's to see the urologist and then i can ask question's.

25-10-11, 14:35
Ct scans like Mri scans can throw up all sorts of questionable findings that turn out to be nothing to worry about - mri especially shows things that the medical profession just do not know about and this can result in further unecessary tests. This happened to me 10 yrs ago when a brain mri showed what might be ms lesions but after follow up scans over years I was told that now they know that these ms like lesions are harmless.

You have to wait three days for the results- nothing you can do about that just grit your teeth and think that they are of course covering their backs. Nothing evil showed up on the ct scan or they would have had you back a before now thats for sure.

25-10-11, 14:57
Yeah i guess if they seen anything more definitive i would have been called in faster than i did for my ultrasound scan.

But it was a huge suprise when she said she was scaning my liver.

Also i had an urogram done would that have gone high enough to see my liver?

The worst part is being kept in the dark.

25-10-11, 15:08
There is nothing worse than the waiting game, I hope everything goes well for you i really do.:hugs:

25-10-11, 16:46
Do you think it would be possible to talk to someone in the hospital about my CT Scan result's if so who wold i have to speak to?

I have tried ringing the urologist's secratary but no luck there, or am i just going to have to wait it out?

macc noodle
25-10-11, 17:15

I feel for you, I really do, having just waited two weeks for my mammogram results and nearly having a complete breakdown over it!!!

If they were just double checking something and they could see nothing further, then I think that you would have nothing to be concerned about.

Can you grit your teeth and wait for Friday? If not, then you could try the secretary again tomorrow and see if they can give you some advice, although I am sure that she will not give out results over the phone and you will have to see if the urologist can speak to you.

And even then, the urologist may not even have had the u/s results from the radiologist as yet.

I know how hard this is but if you can wait, I am sure that all will be fine on Friday - they are, like Countrygirl said, probably just double checking something that threw up on the CT scan which is going to turn out to be harmless.

Good luck

Macc Noodle

25-10-11, 17:37
I didnt even know that i wad having a scan done on my liver, she said a name before mine then said my name and never asked my date of birth like they normally do and it looked like she had 2 slips in her hand, is they any chance the could have gotten me mixed up with the other person?

Or does the Urogram CT show the liver?

macc noodle
25-10-11, 18:26
Well Trevstan anything is possible !

My mother went to have a rodent ulcer removed from her face earlier this week and the consultant was going to do a biopsy - mmmmm, strangely enough the same consultant had performed the biopsy some 6 weeks ago and the hospital had called my mother back to have it removed!!!!

It turned out that it does not need to be removed she just needs check ups every 3 months !

So, yes, they do get mixed up sometimes!

Macc Noodle


25-10-11, 20:18
It's just weird that i went for a urogram that the urologist sent me for and the next thing i am getting my liver scanned and she defintaly said someone else's name before mine and had 2 slip's.

If i ring the ultrasound scan department tomorrow will they be able to say what the scan was for?

The letter said abdominal but ofc i was thinking that it would be my kidney's they were scanning.

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

Sorry for bumping again but it feel's like i am breaking down here, what could the abnormality be? That wouldn't show on a US or could it just be precautionary?

25-10-11, 20:20
You need to ask them really, we can only guess.

25-10-11, 21:02
Yeah just wodnering if anyone has had past exerpience of it, as the ultrasound scan's were clean but the CT has thrown me up in the air with panic.

25-10-11, 22:37
I had an abdominal us last Friday and the radiographer told me everything there and then. Mine was private though. If yours was an abdominal scan she would have done your liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen, bladder full and empty, atora excuse spelling and pancreas. The other scan you had may have shown fat in the liver. Believe me, had anything had shown you would have received a report there and then and told to go to your GP. This happened with s good friend of mine and his scan was on the nhs.

25-10-11, 22:43
Yeah i am with the NHS the Ct scan was for my kidney's,bladder as i had microscopic blood in my urine.

Today the Ultrasound scan checked my liver and she found nothing wrong at all and i think she was pretty suprised.

I have suffered from fatty liver and the local GP know's about this and i get my blood's monitored.

I don't even know if the CT Urogram can see you liver which is confusing me.

Now the problem being is i don't see the Urologist till Friday about my CT Scan i wish they would just tell me my result's instead of being hung in limbo, i still have a feeling that i got someone else's liver scan.

25-10-11, 23:02
I had blood in my urine 2 years ago and haven't felt 100 pc since really. I have had many tests as I have started to get a lot of bladder issues too. The cancer tests have come back negative though the ultrasound has picked up a coarse liver which is a shock as it was perfect in 08 and I have a 6.7cm x 5.2 x 5.4 cyst on my kidney. They think it's the cyst that has bled which was my problem. My next step is to get the cyst drained so hopefully all symptoms will clear up.

25-10-11, 23:05
So i am guessing that you started with a CT Urogram or just a full Ultrasound Scan?

26-10-11, 00:07
I had a blood test to detect bladder cancer. Had an ultrasound and numerous bloods. I saw a professor again I paid privately as GP just brushed it under the table and I was passing blood for 2 months. I couldn't see it it was only detected on a dip stick but I felt rough.

26-10-11, 00:11
So i find it very strange that something iffy was on the Urogram CT for my liver but nothing was on my ultrasound scan and everything was fine.

I am like more than 50% sure that i got the other guy's test done, will i be able to find out if i ring the xray department tomorrow?

26-10-11, 05:40
I was just thinking why wasn't i informed about this abnormality on my liver instead of them just sending me for a test?

Surely they should have contacted me and explained that they were going to do a follow up test?

26-10-11, 06:03
They won't tell you until they know what it is, so as not to be freaking people out :)
Like the other posters says, scans pick up a lot of things that turn out to be nothing.

If you go through looking4answeres posts, you'll see how he had tones of tests done, and half of the time he wasn't given a whole lot of info :)

If they had found a mass or something along those lines, they would have informed you right away and followed up with blood work :)

I do know that only certain doctors can give you your results, so looks like you will just have to wait it out.

I know the not knowing is hard but if someone was very wrong they would tell you!

26-10-11, 12:10
Ok i finally got some answers, i rang the ultrasound ward and she said the reason i had the ultrasound done was because they found a 15mm cyst on my liver while checking my kidneys/bladder...

They couldn't see it with an ultrasound scan which is strange or good?
Is this anything to worry about could it be worse than cyst?

26-10-11, 16:31
Anyone had this problem or know much about it?

26-10-11, 19:01
If they were worried they would have run blood work, it's more than likely just a harmless cyst, plus usually they can tell from the scan what it is and if they think it's anything bad they run blood work, and then they would do a needle biopsy and or remove it,
Do you have much longer to wait to find out?

26-10-11, 19:31
If they were worried they would have run blood work, it's more than likely just a harmless cyst, plus usually they can tell from the scan what it is and if they think it's anything bad they run blood work, and then they would do a needle biopsy and or remove it,
Do you have much longer to wait to find out?

Well i see the urologist on Friday but i did speak to someone from xray's that explained it was a small cyst (15mm), that is why the sceduled a ultrasound scan.

Is it good new's that they never found anything on the ultrasound?

Could it have dispersed over a month's time and that's why it's not showing up?

26-10-11, 21:00
I don't think they remove cysts unless they bother you, like women often get cysts in their ovaries but as long as they are small they leave them there, more often than not they go away on their own.

Yes it means they are small if they aren't showing upon the ultrasound,
Hmm maybe they cleared up on their own?

On the bright side it's looking like they are harmless.

Hopefully they will give you more details on Friday!

26-10-11, 21:37
Yeah she said she will send her report that she found not suspect and she said that was good but she said i might need a follow up scan but the consultant will arrange that.

Yeah i guess if nothing was found and she was very stringent and checked for over 15 min's both together and couldn't find a sausage.

26-10-11, 22:50
Cysts are incredibly common all over the body. I had a mri brain scan that showed a cyst on my brain stem - you can imagine what that did to me!
I had developed a pulse in my left ear and having had my neck arteries checked and were okay the only thing left was I begged fora mri to rule out a potential brain aneurysm. I did not have this but this tiny cyst was cause of my pulse as it was near my jugular artery and transmitting sound to ear via skull but nothing they can do about it and in itself it is harmless. I had it checked up on after 2 years and its still there still same size and thats that.

26-10-11, 23:32
Cysts are incredibly common all over the body. I had a mri brain scan that showed a cyst on my brain stem - you can imagine what that did to me!
I had developed a pulse in my left ear and having had my neck arteries checked and were okay the only thing left was I begged fora mri to rule out a potential brain aneurysm. I did not have this but this tiny cyst was cause of my pulse as it was near my jugular artery and transmitting sound to ear via skull but nothing they can do about it and in itself it is harmless. I had it checked up on after 2 years and its still there still same size and thats that.

That would have had me worried like crazy.

All that is driving me crazy is why didn't it show on the ultrasound scan but in a sense that's a good thing :wacko: