View Full Version : Scared of exercise

25-10-11, 11:36
I am really scared of exercise, because when my heart pounds I start hyperventilating thinking I have asthma when I clearly don't have it
But then I read about what'll happen if I don't do exercise
I'm just getting really scared because I don't know what to do

25-10-11, 14:40
I have the same problem with a negative apprehension of exercise. Mainly to do with worrying that I'll get exhausted or low blood sugar and pass out.
My advice would be to build up slowly. Walking at a brisk pace is just as good for you as jogging. And just realising that it's natural to breathe heavier but you will start to breathe at your normal pace again afterwards. In order to get over this fear you have to unfortunatley push through those uncomfortable feelings of anxiety and wait until they go down. Anxiety always peeks then starts to fall so it's just a case of riding it out until you start to learn that's how it goes

25-10-11, 14:51
Build it up slowly, so that your heart rate is only increased by a small amount. Make sure you eat before exercise, a few hours before is best, so that your blood sugar isn't too low. If you feel dizzy/anything lie down on the floor, it'll stop you from passing out.

Just remember that passing out is the very worst that can happen, even very vigorous exercise is safe for healthy people.

25-10-11, 14:59
Hi there.
Maybe you could find an exercise that you enjoy like yoga or if you have the Wii or xbox sensor they have some great ways to exercise in your own home at your own rate safely.
Floor exercises can also be good as your in a sitting position and just take your time.
I hope that has helped.:hugs:

25-10-11, 19:03
Loads of good tips here! I'm exactly the same, I panic I'm going to pass out and start talking myself into feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

I've started going to the gym with my husband, it really helps to have someone there to distract you from the anxious thoughts. Also, listen to music on your mp3 player when you're walking/working out... I find it takes my mind off focussing on my breathing/heartbeat too much.

Hope this helps a little x

25-10-11, 19:43
I'm in a similar situation myself Chloe. I used to love exercising before I suffered with HA but when I attempt to go running now I become scared of my heartbeat racing. It is really frustrating as I like to keep fit but have no belief in myself to take it on.

25-10-11, 21:53
maybe try pilates - you have to focus on your core and breathing. You don't get out of breath and you can notice a real difference. Then when you feel more 'secure' in exercising you can move onto something like aerobics?