View Full Version : heartburn/acid reflux

25-10-11, 12:28
I have been having slight heartburn over the last few years. I don't have it every day but when I do get it then it seems to last for a few days. There are times where I won't have it for about 3 weeks. I have been to the doctor and she prescribed me omeprazole for a month. I took it and it worked fine but as soon as it finished then I had it worse than ever. I took zantac every evening and I soon had it back to being ok again. I went to the doctor and told her all this. I also mentioned that I am a very anxious person and my heartburn does seem a lot worse when i am at my most stressed. I also said that I can control it with zantac and that i cut up zantac in to small pieces and sometimes only take tiny fragments. I take a tiny fragment before sleep most nights and it is never too bad next day. I am almost scared not to take the tiny amount of pill as I don't want heartburn. I should also point out that heartburn itself stresses me out as I am too scared of being sent for endoscopy. I have had a blood test and that came back fine. I am also following a gerd diet but to be honest it does not seem to matter what i eat. I always have a little bit of heartburn but then i am always anxious. Any advice?

---------- Post added at 12:28 ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 ----------

I forgot to say that the doctor said that if I find it hard to relax then she will give me anti depressants, as I told her that i felt that i did not need omeprazole as zantac works fine for me. She is also referring me for counseling. I just get scared of heartburn which makes it all worse :(

25-10-11, 14:42
Boy, I could have written this! I use Zantac as well and it seems to work just fine for me. And to be honest - I did go to the Dr. and try to get on some medication to help the underlying symptom "my anxiety." Once I was on medication for the anxiety - the heart burn/acid reflux went away on its own. So, I would see what you can do to help with the anxiety and keep up with the diet (even if it seems not to be working - it is!)

25-10-11, 15:15
Hi there. Sorry to hear you have bad heartburn/acid reflux, I used to have that all the time, along with other symptoms, turned out i needed to have my Gall Bladder removed. I had that done in 2009 but i still get the problem of acid still Grrrrrrr.... Keep up with the diet if you can. Maybe try some meditating (relaxing to something soothing) :hugs:

25-10-11, 15:55
Thanks for the advice. Heartburn really gets me down sometimes and I get scared that I take zantac too often as it says on the packet to only take for 7 days. I am probably guilty of also looking at dr google too much. I noticed that when i was signed off work for two weeks after wisdom teeth removal that I was relaxed and ate and drank whatever I like but suffered no heartburn at all. Anxiety has so much to answer for.

27-10-11, 12:49
I have been suffering exactly the same symptoms for the past 6 months. I have been sent for all sorts of tests, scans etc and all the results have come back normal. I also suffer from stress and the worry of all this seems to make the indigestion worse. I take gaviscon most days but usually I am burping the minute I get out of bed in the morning. It's annoying and I wonder if it will ever go completely. Before this I hardly ever suffered with indigestion.

I do find it slightly reassuring that other people seem to have the same thing and it is nothing serious.

27-10-11, 16:40
God it's vile isn't it.
I get it all the time & also take Zantac...it's got to the point where I don't go anywhere without it now.
I think a lot of mine is down to stress. When I'm chilled out it goes.

27-10-11, 17:24
Yup add me on the list too!!!
Ive been taking omeprazole for a year and can only go without it for a few days then the acid comes back. I didnt want to be on meds every day for this as well as citalopram -but doc says okay. I read somewhere that taking acid suppressents makes your stomach over produce acid when you stop taking them so in the long term makes it worse-what do you do ! Mines also worse when Im stressed and if I drink white wine ( groan ) stroll on . . . . .