View Full Version : New and scared

25-10-11, 12:45
hi there, just found this website today,
ive suffered depression on and off since my first child was born 14 yrs ago and have been on different tablets and have been up and down since then, now i just feel things have come to a head, i now have 3 children work part time and im strugling to cope, ive been really stressed and feeling low for about a month or so and i had a panic attack at work 10 days ago, i was so sick after wards they sent me home then i was so scared it happened again the follwoing day, ive seen the doc she signed me off a week and put me back on fluoxtine (i had been off them a few months) but then the following day i was in such a state and being sick and shaking and sweating i couldnt tke anymore i could of just taken all the tablets i had, went to docs following day and shes gave me diazepan to help with the panicing but i dont feel they helped so yesterday she signed me off another week and now im on beta blockers (propranolol) as i have racing pulse and feel as though im shaking when im not, i cant sleep only hour and half at a time feel constantly worried i dont want to go out as its like evryone is looking at me, i jst feel a burden on everyone, my parnter broke down in tears the other day as he's doing his best to help but he feels it not enough, im scared when the post comes, when the phone rings, when someone knocks on the door and just feel as though im a burden on everyone and im worried about work getting funny with me having time off for something thats all in my head how do i get out of this? x:weep:

25-10-11, 12:47
Hi feefee32

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-10-11, 13:08

I can sympathise with everything you've said. I know exactly how you're feeling with the fearfulness and the shaking and constant worry. I had my first panic attack about 3 weeks a go and that triggered worse anxiety. My Dr put me on Citalopram 12 days a go and although the past week has been hell on them, I stuck to them and I can really notice a difference today, I'm so much calmer and all of my 'mind chatter' has gone, its amazing.

Have you asked your Dr about different types of medication or CBT?

You will get better, I know it doesnt feel like it, but you will.x

25-10-11, 13:41
Hi there thanks for the reply, yes she has reffered me for cbt and im on fluoxetine now and beta blockers as well, ive been off work since as im afraid to go out and just all over the place at the moment, like i said im worried about everything i cant think straight wich makes me worse then i end up being sick, and im worried about being off work too but my kids need there mum better x

25-10-11, 19:19
I know, its a scary time isn't it. I'm feeling much better but I still struggle with driving and leaving the house. It is very hard to think straight with all of this going on, but you will get better! :hugs:

I wasn't offered CBT but people here seem to think it works wonders, let me know how it goes. x

25-10-11, 19:52
i have been where you are and it does feel hopeless what seems to bring on some of my worse panic attacks are thinking im going to get them the same place i had one before its easy to say face your fears and go where you have had a panic attack but its very hard but the quicker you do go back the better it will be (took me a long time to do this) it like me saying think of a peach then saying forget about the peach i bet your still thinking about the peach its the same with panic the more people say try not to think about it the more you do and end up bringing one on:weep: what works for me is focusing on things like doing the times table in my head or trying to remember every word to my fav song this is a new thing i have been trying but it seems to work also understanding all the motions your body are going though when you are feeling panicky and reliseing that its your own bodys defence and its trying to help you unfortnately it seems to be doing the oppersit. im still very much in the learning process of copeing with everyday situations and still unable to stay home alone or go out alone but i find getting as much info you can to help you understand what you going though really helps and even tho i have had panic attacks for 19yrs and all but gave up and settle for life with panic im feeling much more positive now starting CBT i can see light and the end of the tunnel:D hope this helps and good luck:hugs: