View Full Version : hi new to nmp

25-10-11, 12:46
hi my names josie and im new here :) im 33 and have suffered from panic attacks,depression,agroaphobia since the age of 14 just started cbt and was suggested i look on here so i relize im not the only one who suffers panic and that the way i think im not alone :) even though i have had them a long time i still find it hard to tell people how i feel and the way i think i always think im going to be judged and people will look at my as a freak :weep: i have 2 children and really want to get better because at the moment i dont go out alone and always have someone with me i hate being so dependent on people and really dont want my children thinking its normal to be like me thanks for reading hope to get to know you all:bighug1: ps sorry for the spelling :blush:

25-10-11, 12:47
Hi josie1234

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-10-11, 12:51
hi there, im fee im 33 ive also just joined i have 3 children as well and im also finding it hard to go anywhere esp with it being half term right now, i hope theres a way out of this does the cbt help as my gp as referred me also xx

25-10-11, 12:58
Hi Josie and Feefee, I'm new too. I'm 33 with 2 children and am also struggling to leave the house during half term, mainly due to fear of driving. :wacko:

Has CBT helped at all?

25-10-11, 13:45
hi nixx i just replied on my post to you as well! im scared of driving to (there isnt much im not scared of right now) even being a passenger in a car i thugh we were going to crash ino everything we passed, need to force myself shopping soon that will be the first place ive been for a while but i have to do it, just going somewhere small like lidl as i cant handle the bigger supermarkets right now wich isnt good as i work in one!! x

25-10-11, 14:00
i have had 5 sessions so far and have found it so helpful its not like counciling where i found you tell them how u feel and they tell u same thing only useing fancy words cbt really changes the way you think with lots of useful excises unlike the paper bag although very affective for me made me more self concious when people looking at me thinking what the hell lol. cbt really makes you face your fears and gives you alterntive thinking methods sets you challenges and positive thinking i have been housebound so to speak pretty much since i started getting panic attacks and always settled on the idea that this is my life now and have to live like this forever. but having children has really made me want to try my hardest to get back to a normal way of living and i have gone in to cbt with realistic results such as walking the kids to school and going to the shops alone. my main worry was telling people my thoughts i always thought i would be judged and people would think im mad. i also avoid places where i have panicked before making life hell my kids are 5 and 7 now and are starting to ask why mummy dont go out alone and i dont really know what to say to them. but with cbt im feeling much more confident that i can begin to work towards a much better life im staying very positive and next week will be my first exposure where i will be taken out in to a situation im not comfortable in (wish me luck lol ) but my advice would be go in to it with realistic results and stay positive be very honest no matter how silly you think you might sound because there are people just like us who think the same things and we aint alone good luck to you both and i keep you posted on how my first exposure goes:scared15: xxx

25-10-11, 15:44
Hi josie and:welcome:to NMP.

California Girl
25-10-11, 15:53
Hi & welcome! x

25-10-11, 19:13
Wow, sounds like CBT is working for you :D

I wasn't even offered it, the Dr just put me straight on AD's! :shrug: Mind you they are working, so I guess they knew what they were doing.

I really hope you exposure session works for you. Let us know how it goes.


25-10-11, 20:15
Wow, sounds like CBT is working for you :D

I wasn't even offered it, the Dr just put me straight on AD's! :shrug: Mind you they are working, so I guess they knew what they were doing.

I really hope you exposure session works for you. Let us know how it goes.

i wasnt offered CBT by my doctor just self help groups that to me wouldnt be good as im not good meeting people i had a accident 3yrs ago and CBT was part of the settlement although i wish i had CBT before i did speak to my doctor and asked about it but always got no where just my doctor saying waiting lists are long :mad: i would advise anyone that thinks CBT could be for them to keep asking your doctor about it (wish i did) but in 1992 and aged only 14 i was only offered meds and very little help and info i lived for 5yrs pretty much not knowing what was wrong with me it lead to self harm and lots of attempted sucides untill i did take meds paroxatine as i didnt know where else to turn :weep:and been on them ever since slowly i got more info asked more questions and found out i wasnt alone witch was a big help as it can feel so isolateing and i felt a burden on all family and friends its been a uphill struggle i wont lie but im feeling positive i found the right treatment at longggggg last and im grabbing it with both hands and going to take my life back well some of it anyway:yesyes: