View Full Version : Heart pain!?

24-05-06, 03:36
Ive been getting this "pain" almost like someone was pusing there finger or like a "fire" feeling above my left breast <heart>. I think it is an anxiety attack althought why is it that it seems I panic after the onset of the pain? My blood work and EKG was norm as well as my chest X-ray... I dont understand...Could it still be something else? I try exercising by lifting up my hands above my head and streching them to my side and touch my toes.. but with no luck... the pain.. is still there. The weird thing is I know the pain is real.. But when I am distrated such as talking on the phone, working.. watching tv it seems to go away.. the heard part is getting to the point where I dont "focus" on it.. It is really scary and draining. I panic over the fact of dieing by a heart attack or stroke but after the pain has already started.... Is this Anxiety? Anyone feel the same way? hmm I wounder.. I also panic when Im alone and feel like if I die no one will be around to 'save" me or call for help. I also panic over the fact that if I die what will happen to my husband? My cat? my bills? my house? My family.. ahh this is so hard... and Im only 21.. does it get better? take care good luck!

24-05-06, 10:56

I get that feeling in my chest as well. Burning sensation and sharp jabbing pains. Like you ecg all ok. Been feeling really bad this morning and I know its only anxiety but its soooooo difficult to relax.

I too can't help thinking whats going to happen to my husband, kids, the business etc when I collapse............. its ridiculous isn't it? We know that the physical feelings we have are real and know what is causing them - but there's something there urging them on. Be positive, i'm trying to be and remember you are not alone. xxx

24-05-06, 11:32
The fact that it does go away when you eventually stop thinking about it shows that it is anxiety. I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's your thoughts shaping an anxiety response. You think you might have heart troubles so you notice a pain around your heart. That's just the way it goes. Though you say you feel the pain before you get anxious. Don't worry about this either, you mind may be temporarily distracted from your anxiety but it can take the body a long time to get over anxiety and recover so the sore muscles will still be tense and give off this pain.

Just remember that it is anxiety. Breathe through it and focus on relaxing tense muscles. IF you can find a quiet place, do this, and picture the tension being washed away by a calming blue light. You'll be surprised how well it works.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

24-05-06, 14:12
im sorry you feel this way but i can tell you that you are not alone. i have had the pain and many more that you describe, i know it is soooo hard to believe it is anxiety but really if your results were normal then it is anxiety related

if you need any help just pm me, its a horrible fear this


24-05-06, 16:18
I've had that every now and then, often quite bad, as long as I can remember. :)

Two heads
24-05-06, 16:29
Hi there!
I think most on this forum have suffered with this.I no i have many a time hun.That is one of my main fears is heart problems and i worry all of the time its not nice i known.Try your best to reason with your mind.Im even seeing a cardio.xxx

24-05-06, 17:26
Hi - I suffer with it too!! It comes and goes.
Love Helen

30-05-06, 00:43
thank you all for your help! UPDATE! I have since been on medication and have had 4 days with out an attack! today a few flutters and got a lil nervous but other then that I have been doing great. Thank you all so much for all your post!