View Full Version : So worried and feeling really run down :-(

25-10-11, 13:24
A couple of weeks ago I had the most awful stomach cramps which resulted in a trip to a & e as I had no idea what was going on. After lots of poking and prodding by 2 different docs they couldn't feel anything wrong and decided it was a very bad bout of IBS and/or stomach flu. I had 2 days in bed and did feel a lot better after. However, over the past week I have been feeling like I am getting a bad cold, very achy, shivering, sweating etc. Last night I woke up soaked in sweat and of course only one thought crosses my mind like it always does CANCER!!!! Is it just the time of year? Am I just run down or is it something serious? At night as soon as I get home from work all I want to do is sleep! I also have not much of an appetite! I wish this would all just go away :weep:

25-10-11, 14:31
Sounds like one of those horrible winter viruses that seem to give you iffy tummy, flu symptoms and cold all at once!

I would say that if you are not any better in another week then certainly go to your Dr as a simple blood test can say if you are suffering from any infection or anything else that might need further tests.

Certainly I have had this type of thing in the past that lasted week or so and seemed to go from one thing to another - you may find that you come out with a horrible cold or something in next few days.

25-10-11, 14:33
Thanks Countrygirl! I just feel like I am taking paracetamol like it is going out of fashion in order just to not feel this way! It probably is just a winter virus, I just get paranoid! :)

25-10-11, 14:36
Sounds like a virus to me! And then when we worry, we don't sleep well, and that makes it worse.....kind of a vicious cycle if you ask me. If you got a few good night worth of sleep and a little time (for the virus to work its way out of your system) - I bet you are going to feel 100% better!