View Full Version : IBS, UTI, Anxiety or something else???

25-10-11, 14:16
Hi, lately I've been concern about my bladder and I'm just curious if its anything to worry about. Here are my few symptoms that I have:

-Frequent urination (Can't seem to hold my bladder)
-Sometimes when I urinate, usually on a weak flow and at the end of the urination I get an uncomfortable feeling in my bladder.

Theres no blood in my urine and no real burning sensation when I pee.

I'm 24 yo male, athletic and drink plenty of water. I drink coffee in the morning but that's it. I guess I'm just freaking myself out but I don't know if any of these symptoms could be serious? Any thoughts???

25-10-11, 14:57
I have this (even though I'm a girl and these things work slightly differently!) occasionally and it's always been a UTI! If it isn't clearing, all you'll need is antibiotics. Anxiety doesn't help and it will make you want to go to the loo more often. As will drinking alot of liquid! I have IBS and it does make me want to wee but you'd normally have some digestive symptoms too (cramps, constipation etc) if it was that. Go and get it checked out and cleared up but it really won't be anything at all serious...