View Full Version : Worried About Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

25-10-11, 14:42
My symptoms seem to fit.

I have awful posture. I have weakness of the hands and arms, especially when in a "raised" position. I get muscle spasms, stiffness, and my hands are always cold. I get tired when blow-drying my hair. My hands spasm after I type. This has been CONSTANT, and doesn't go away when I'm relaxed. I know that anxiety tends to cause muscle tension, but...:scared15: I'm so worried! It's been getting worse. I keep imagining losing the use of my hands and arms! How do they test for TOS? Don't know what to do, and I'm driving everyone in the house crazy with my worrying.

Anyone? Please...

25-10-11, 15:05
I'm sorry to hear you feel this way. I suffer with carpal tunnel syndrome & trigger finger in both hands. I get alot of pain everyday and have to wear a splint. so i really do sympathise with you. I think your best bet is to go to your daoctor and tell them how you feel and where your pains are.:hugs: