View Full Version : E.F.T

24-05-06, 07:41
With my hypnotherapy sessions I am also being taught EFT - its a series of tapping certain pointsof the body to stimilate energy and release fear - has anyone else on the site used EFT and can tell me about their experiences with it? Love Wenjoy

24-05-06, 08:05
Hi Wenjoy

I have used EFT for panic also. Does help divert your attention from the panic. Its not a cure all but def does help.

Good luck

Katie S x

24-05-06, 11:30
hi wendy i tried it too about 3 months ago!!at first i really tried to do it every time i felt paniky but i
d feel such a fool doing it when in tescos or at work!!!!but my friend tried it and she said she felt really calm after !!!!i suppose its like everything you dont know till you try!hope it goes well for you let us know how you get on!oh one more thing its best to be totally honest with them and tell them EVERYTHING thats really bothering you (no matter how big or small)or else it doesnt really work!love rachel x x

24-05-06, 11:55
hi not sure what that is ..could you explain?..sorry if i sound dumb xx

jools xx

24-05-06, 12:41
Hi Wenjoy

There were a couple of threads about EFT in the forum some time ago, try these links:

EFT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9524)
EFT emotional freedom technique (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6309)
My EFT procedure (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6620)

As far as I know, EFT works best when you suffer form a particular trauma or when you want to let go of a specific issue that bothers you. It's not that effective when you try to use it with borader things such as depression, generalized anxiety and panic disorder, unless you know what the specific cause of these conditions is. With EFT you have to be as specific as possible. Hope that helps.

joolsukuk - take a look at that: http://www.emofree.com/

24-05-06, 16:49
HI guys
Thanks I will look at the links after dinner. and keep in touch about how it goes. Love wenjoy x