View Full Version : this is a strange one...

25-10-11, 19:37
Haven't posted in a while! But for the last five or six weeks I have been experiencing something strange. It's like I get these peculiar sensations in my head which kinda make me really fidgety and tense/rigid. Its so hard to describe. The closest description I found was around something called Akathisia...?

I have been on citalopram for nrly 18 months now. I am considering it to be the culprit..but could I be feeling adverse effects from the pill this far along?

Also..as something unrelated...Migraine sufferers..Do you ever get more than on aura during an attack? Lately I seem to get a few visual auras...:shrug:

25-10-11, 19:40
The description of your symptoms are too vague! Try to explain it in a bit more detail and i'll help you out

25-10-11, 19:44
well, its like Im really fidgety and I pace a lot etc. And the sensation in my head? its like ' somethings going to happen '..Now, I don't know what exactly..Its just this horrid feeling!! Im really sorry I cant articulate it any better.

25-10-11, 19:56
Anxiety. The fast thoughts and the feeling that somethings going to happen is your mind stimulating the 'fight or flight' response, thinking there is a danger, when there actually isn't. I think for you to be suspicious of it being a side effect of the pill it would be more intense, and would probably get gradually worse over time. Every time you feel like this think in your head 'relax', and it will go.

25-10-11, 19:58
last few weeks have been pretty stressful to be honest. work stuff etc.

25-10-11, 20:01
I would say if something makes sense to be the result of stress/anxiety then there's no need in thinking about other possible less likely causes. You did the right thing to post here though. Good luck for the future.

25-10-11, 22:08
it sounds like anxiety and stress. Try relaxing - mediation helps. If you have an ipod/iphone/ipad , download some relaxing apps because they really help!

hope this helps xx

26-10-11, 14:59
I have the same symptoms, also feeling very off balance and vision always bad but eye sight fine if that makes sense. I also get migraines I'm not on citlopram but 95% of my migraine is visual effects.

Do you lay in bed and feel almost like your head is moving?

27-10-11, 16:25
The moving head thing when I lie down I get. Its not so much moving but I feel like I have to tense to stop whatever the 'moving' feelin is! I get the feelin of spinnin sensation when I'm going to sleep and I start to panic.

Everythime I relax my whole body feels heavy and I feel lightheaded and I start to panic. Like I'm panackin of the feelin of bein relaexed. It happen as I am about to fall asleep and as I get in the shower and feel the water on me.

It makes me not want to relax and kEep busy instead!
