24-05-06, 11:10
Hi Everyone

Since finding out last week that a friend had died (she was only 33) my anxiety has come back with a vengence.

I have terrible pain in my upper back again along with the odd chest pain .

I feel light headed, spaced out and generally feel totally panicked.

I feel very aware of my breathing, like im cloesly watching it to see if im ok! Im probably making my breathing worse cause im so focused on it.

The whole of my back hurts, i feel liked i have been punched.

I know that this person death has probably triggered off the anxiety because she is the same age as me and im frightened that because its happened to her then it can happen to me.

I wondered whether i might need to up my dose of anti depressant. Im currently on 20mg citalopram. I rang to get an appointment with my gp this morning but earliest i can get with him is 2 weeks away!

Im at work but cant concentrate. I feel like crying. i feel so crap.

I have been feeling so great lately and now i am back to square one again

love mandie x

24-05-06, 11:18
aahhh mand,i am soooo sorry about your friends death,that it tragic news[but i doubt it was anxiety that caused there death hun!]you are sad and upset and this has turned your world on it's head[been thru it myself recently]it will pass,the anxiety,and of course you want to cry,and you should it's all part of the grieving process.You have all the answers within you.You know you are watching your breathing,and that this is raised awarness of your body.Go withi it for a while mandie,let it run it's course.You can pm me any time ,keep talkin.Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

24-05-06, 11:28
Sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, as mary Rose said you are sad and upset, that is soo natural and understandable, you need to grieve for your friend, it is important that you do as that will help with the healing over time. Let it all out and just let it happen, don't fight it, this is a horrible part of life but you will get through it, it will pass.
Take care - you're in my thoughts and prayers


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 11:31

You are not back to square one.
I have been reading this book on panic attacks (cant remember the name of it) it stresses how that when you have bad days DO NOT put it down to going back to square one.

You must remeber that you got this far and that the odd bad moments are naturel for everyone, just with anxiety suffered we concentrste more on the bad days! You have come so far and done so well, you just need to focus on that you can do it again.

You have suffered some very bad news, it is VERY naturel to feel this way, trouble is with anxiety we just over analyse everything!

Dont be hard on yourself, let yourself feel sad for your friend and give yourself some time to get past this. You will be fine and you will NOT go back to square one, you will soon be back on your road to beating this!!

Chin up lovey....you will be fine xxx

Hay x

24-05-06, 11:46
thank you all for your kind replies.

She wasnt a close friend but even so, it still hurts.

I have just ordered a claire weekes book as recommended by so many on this site.

i need to learn to relax, i find it very hard to!

love mandie x

24-05-06, 20:31
I am sorry for your loss, what did your friend die from?

24-05-06, 22:58

she died from pnuemonia

love mandie x

Ma Larkin
26-05-06, 12:48
Hi Mandie, I had a rant the other day because my daughter's boyfriend's mum was 1 of the 2 reps who was killed by a drink driver in Spain, & ever since her death I've had pains in my upper back that you wouldn't believe & really annoying chest pains, which come & go sharply, but are really scary. My GP said it was tension due to the stress because of the impact her death had on me; it came as such a shock & always seems worse when its young people. I've been thinking awful things as well because she was only a couple of years older than me. It was her funeral on Tuesday & I've felt a bit better since knowing she's at peace now, but it took 2 weeks before they would let us have the funeral cos of tests in this country as well as in Spain, so we couldn't go & see her in the chapel of rest & say goodbye. I feel a bit calmer now & realise that lots of young people die from allsorts of illnesses & accidents, it just worries people more when it comes as a shock. I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon. Take care.

Les, xx