View Full Version : Really clingy to my mum and shes going away - any advice? =(

25-10-11, 22:07
My Mums going away to Australia in two weeks time. Shes going for ten days.

I am VERY clingy and i rely on her a lot when i am in a panicking or anxious state.

Any advice on how to cope while she's away? =/

I am at college three days during the week shes away which is okay but i dunno what to do the other 7 days lol.

I am worrying myself over this

any advice?


Eva May
25-10-11, 22:53
Oh god that sounds like my worst nightmare. I get upset if my mum is only an hour away overnight. God I wish I could tell you something positive but all I ever do is load up on xanax and try zone out :( Is there anyone you feel comfortable with that could stay with you and try keep you distracted? Would seeing her like on skype or something make you feel any better? I'll def be thinking of you hun and hopefully someone else can give you some better advice :)

26-10-11, 06:06
I did 6 weeks all on my own! No idea how I did it but when it comes down to it you don't really have a choice and you just cope.
Nights were the worst for me though!

Have some online friends, so you can chat with them.
Do you have friends other family around?

I was pretty much on my own every night, one night I freaked out big time and a family member had to stay wit me, but hey one panic attack out of 6 weeks wasn't too bad :)

26-10-11, 10:12
i have my dad thats staying with me and I am at college 3 days from 8 till 5 so theyre long days which will keep me distracted.

It's weird coz during the day i can cope but at night my mind just goes in to MAD anxiety!!! its horrible =(

26-10-11, 10:21
Aw least you hAve your dad :)
I think there's just less going on a night, it's dark and quite outside , everyone else is in bed , plus it's natural for us to be more wary at night and to feel safer in the daylight :)

26-10-11, 11:32
aww bless you that sounds like a difficult situation, it's something I've noticed a LOT of people on here struggle with.
I've just recently spent a weekened without my Mum and it was difficult for me, but like Mishel says you just cope. things I found helpful were this site, babysitting my Uncle's dog who is like my best friend she's lush and slept in my bed which was pretty comforting, take some chamomile tea this is good for helping you sleep, be kind to yourself get yourself some treats whether this be your favourite magazine some bath smelly stuff or chocolate whatever will make you happy and be a distraction.
Hope it goes well for you, there's always people on this site cos of the time differences so don't feel lonely!
You can feel so proud of yourself and it'll be a great thing to look back on in the future when there's challenging situations.
Best wishes