View Full Version : Really bad indigestion/nausea!!!!!

25-10-11, 22:42
Hey guys, hope all is well.

So I woke up this morning and ate a banana and drank a cup of coffee for breakfast(this was about 9:30p).

Then at around 1p, I ate a SNICKERS BAR. Now I got home at around 3p and I ate a croissant with cream cheese and some potato wedges.

After this I started having really bad gas/indigestion as well as a racing heart with loads of ectopics and nausea. This made me very very anxious which made me start to hyperventilate.

I feel a bit better after eating like 3 tums but all I can think of was that the already rich croissant with cream cheese was not a good combination. Has anyone ever felt this way before?

I'm still a bit shaky because one minute I was fine and then this happend/:weep:

26-10-11, 00:09
Yep I've felt like this b4 after eating a flapjack, within 5-10mins of eating it I felt like c**p, had terrible indigestion, so I would say that it can happen quite randomly. Sometimes something just doesn't agree with u and ur body complains that's all.

26-10-11, 11:46
absolutley, some people get indigestion really easily but others just get it randomly from time to time.
There's a few indigestion triggers in that day, I'm getting indigestion just reading about it! lol If eating like this is normal for you, your tummy will be used to it and not respond usually and this occassion is just one of those things

BUT if you've for whatever reason had a hectic day and not eaten your normal diet that's a recipe for indigestion. Our bodies tend to hate sudden changes in diet it's better to make small changes gradually.

Hope you feel better soon!