View Full Version : Joined October 2010 but only just back :-0

25-10-11, 23:54
Hi everyone,
I am shocked to discover my very first post was Oct 2010 when I was anxious and fearing a break down, emotionally I remained strong but physically was a different story! in Dec 10 I contracted swine flu was in ITU for 10 days, developed double pneumonia and very nearly lost my fight on new years eve. thankfully I survived and despite developing pleurisy and being off work for 3 months I made a full recovery.
I was still however very mentally unwell, I saw my GP and got a referral for counselling. It should have been a 12 week wait but it was more like 7 months and in that time I have resolved my biggest issue.... comfort eating, all by myself I am so pleased as I had an issue from childhood ( I will tell you about this in another post but for now just tell you I discovered the Harcombe Diet)

But I have still got quite a bad problem with panic attacks, I am terrified of picking up germs and any time I am in a room with lots of people who feel like they are in my personal space I will have a panic attack.

The counsellor yesterday was pretty rubbish, I think she is new and she is also a volunteer but she said she would need to discuss me with her supervisor as she is stumped! I didn't think my issue was all that complex so this surprised me.

Anyway a friend reminded me of NMP so here I am back again.
Would love o chat with anyone who as experience of panic attacks or maybe PTSD as someone has suggested it may be that in a mild way.

I need to fix this issue as it's often part of my job so can't avoid situations.

Thank you for reading

Caz x

25-10-11, 23:56
Hi cazbah26

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-10-11, 00:11
Hi I have just joined suffer with panic attacks for some time..bit of a old hand but every time feels like the first time....

26-10-11, 00:21
Hi I have just joined suffer with panic attacks for some time..bit of a old hand but every time feels like the first time....

Hi Andrew, let's hope we can both find some relief and move forward

26-10-11, 00:32
Yer every time I think why me....I also have OCD ..no one knows at work, I am a teacher..

---------- Post added at 23:32 ---------- Previous post was at 23:23 ----------

it's good to be able to talk to people..

26-10-11, 04:47
I suppose there are probably a lot of people who suffer in silence, my OH has mental health issues and most people would be amazed if they knew, he hid them from me for 14 years!

I have been told I pile the pressure on myself, I just call it high standards but whatever it is that makes us troubled and sets us out from those who sail through life without a struggle I probably would still prefer to be me.