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View Full Version : Really concerned about cancer.

26-10-11, 01:27
I know I shouldn't google, I really do, but I can't help it!

Last weeks I'd been feeling remarkably good, until last night, when I came down with some awful lower right side abdominal pain (I would've thought it was my appendix if I hadn't had it removed years ago). I took a painkiller and it ended up going away after a few hours.

Thing is, tonight as I was going to bed, I started having some discomfort on my tail-bone (and a bit higher, not sure of the name of that area in English) when I was laying. It wasn't bad pain, but it wasn't ignorable either, and it made it so I can't really sleep (which is why I'm on the computer).

Now I did the mistake of googling tail-bone pain, and alas, I've discovered there seems to be a connection with colon cancer and now I'm really scared/anxious and can't stop shaking.

I'm only 21, I figure this things are rare, but, I really can't stop thinking about it.

26-10-11, 03:00
I went through a colon cancer scare..I know how worried you are eventhough you do realize that colon cancer in a 21 year old is extremely rare and there are so many other less serious reasons why you are having pain in that area. If it continues for more than a week or gets really bad, you can always make an appointment with your doctor to put your mind at ease.

26-10-11, 10:44
Don't worry, we all get funny aches and pains. You might have pulled a muscle, slept awkward etc.. there are tons of reasons. Just keep away from google!! X

Gemma T
26-10-11, 12:45
I have the same pain alot lately. Im convinced its my posture and sitting to long on hard chairs. Please dont worry.

You will find that if you read the symptoms of all cancers you will have symptoms x x x