View Full Version : Headaches for days?

26-10-11, 02:56
Can anybody relate? All day wake up with it go to sleep with it.. Had an eye exam today and said my eyes are very healthy I couldn't afford glasses but health wise my eyes are good. The headaches are going on a week now I'm worried sick and have nausea. I'm scared of a brain tumor. I have no medical I can't afford a doctor visit let alone any sort of scans

26-10-11, 11:26
Yep, me too.
I'm on day 3 of an excrutiating headache which hasn't eased at all. Previously I've had headaches that have lasted up to a month and in one case I ended up at A&E and had a CT scan (which was all clear).

The longer the headache goes on for the more anxious I get which prolongs the headache. It's a never-ending cycle.

I try not to use tablets but find 4Head roll-on helps a lot as does the cooling pads you stick on your forehead. Above all try not to stress and I'm sure it'll ease.

K xxx

26-10-11, 12:21
I also have had a headache for the past few days and like you, always worry it is something more! I have discovered though that my headaches seem to come and go with weather changes. Also long times spent at a computer doesn't help!! Try not to worry and you will be amazed at how quickly it eases :-)

Gemma T
26-10-11, 12:41
Dont you just love the continuous headaches.

I had one for two weeks. I took para and ibu and not a blind bit of difference. All part of anxiety. No meds work.

My best cure is to acknowledge it is anxiety and it will pass x x x

27-10-11, 03:36
i had bad headaches for over 6 mths, had to take panadols everyday and then i saw a chiropractor who fixed me up after 4 months, headaches were cause my an issue in my neck and upper back. now i hardly get it anymore. GP also did a brain CT which was clear.

28-10-11, 00:25
I have had slight pains/ headaches day in day out for about 2 months now and also tension in my temples and head now i seem to have a really tender saw spot at the top/back of my head, i typed this into google and it came straight up with MS i shit myself im so scared of dying its unreal so i read the symptoms and i have a few of them so i had a little panic attack, i have ano 11 week old daughter and i am so scared im not guna be stable or here for her please help?? :(

28-10-11, 16:26
I feel your pain I feel so depressed the past 3 days I have only gotten out of bed twice for the doctor and eye doc. Both were no relief I wake up sad I can't stop googling symptoms I have convinced myself of a brain tumor

28-10-11, 22:16
i also had headaches for months and months the more you worry the worst it will get its a tension headache its stress related.

also you will be glad to know a brain tumour funny enough dosent start with a headache it starts with different symptoms coz i thought i had a brain tumour but the doc put me straight.
just try not to worry and you should feel better.xx:)