View Full Version : Doppelganger or Hallucination? Going Crazy?

26-10-11, 03:25
I've never seen anything supernatural in my life until this morning in our home.

I was downstairs eating and at the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw my father walking in the hallway upstairs. I didn't look directly at him, it was just the corner of my eye. A few minutes later, I was so shocked that he was downstairs all along. I'm sure whatever it was I saw upstairs didn't come down because I was near the stairs.

I'm afraid about what they say about seeing doppelgangers. The bad luck, serious problems, or even worse.. I have a plane to catch today and I seriously scared. :(

Could it be just a figment of my imagination? Like the lights playing with my eyes? It was seriously at the corner of my eye only but I'm still anxious and scared!

jaded jean
26-10-11, 07:17
Hi there.
I would say its your anxiety playing you up a bit -I think if you dwell on things like this you would be swayed from what is real and what isnt- Just block it out your mind and try to focus on real things that are going on around you. You are NOT going crazy.
Take care Jean

26-10-11, 07:56
Hi there.
I would say its your anxiety playing you up a bit -I think if you dwell on things like this you would be swayed from what is real and what isnt- Just block it out your mind and try to focus on real things that are going on around you. You are NOT going crazy.
Take care Jean

I would go along with this. I have had an anxious morning and just caught sight, over the top of my glasses, of a plume of steam outside my office window.

It really made me jump and spooked me with a sort of "argh what's that moment." :blush:

I suppose what I am trying to say is that a hightened sensitivity + anxiety + a half perceived or mis-perceived half sight of soemthing can have a disproportionate effect, so put it from your mind if you can and concentrate on something else.

26-10-11, 23:26
thanks jean and jamesk.

i really don't know what to think. at the corner of my eye, the figure seemed so formed and real. absolutely real. i hope i am just scaring myself silly.

is it still possible to see those kinds of stuff because of my imagination? i don't think it was an anxious morning -- a pretty normal morning for me. i only have HA and i think it's on a moderate level.

i can't fully convince myself that it was just my imagination acting up :(

jaded jean
27-10-11, 06:32
To pursue it might not be a very good thing to do while you are like this caloocanboy.
I did this as I was seeing white spots and what have you and I went to the doctor only to be told it was anxiety when I was hoping yes hoping I had had an 'experience' I never say never as I am of that ilk but and its a big but don't believe everything you see.

27-10-11, 11:43
Association is the closest thing anxiety sufferers get to hallucination. You may of seen something move like an item of clothing falling and your mind remembers an image of your father in that spot from a past experience and assumes it is your father again, tricking you into beleiving it is your father.
It could also have been a shadow...there are endless possibilities but whatever it was, it wasn't supernatural. I have had experiences like this before, like once I saw my mother come in the lounge then heard a big bang and she disappeared! Turns out it was a pigeon flying into the window which for some reason looked like her to me. I've heard people knock on the door and my freinds calling my name too.
Superstitions are old fashioned and limiting - try to let them go if you can. You won't get bad luck from anything because everyone gets bad luck once in a while.
Take care x

27-10-11, 12:02
Hi hun :D:hugs:

You have had some very good replys, as always :yesyes:

When acute, the mind can come up with lots of weird things, the human imagination is powerfull.

When acute, I went out for a meal with hubby and the kids, hubby went the bar, my kids went to play snooker. I was sitting on my own when all of a sudden the fear seem to come out of no where :ohmy: RIGHT IN FRONT of my eyes, for a split second, my hubby was up in my face, THEN HE WAS GONE :ohmy::ohmy: (he was still at the bar ) ohhh boy, this frightend the life out of me.

I have read many, many things about this, even myself I have other things happen to me regarding this symtom of anxiety, IT IS a symptom, well thats how I seen it.

Hope this has helped, even if its just knowing your not alone and over time, this does go.



28-10-11, 08:30
When acute, the mind can come up with lots of weird things, the human imagination is powerfull.

Just an illustration of how true this is, which may be some reassurance.

I had a really good day yesterday - got lots done and felt generally OK most of the day.

Traffic is awful in our town at the moment because of road works, and people were driving really inconsiderately when I tried to go home which may have ramped up my anxiety levels a bit.

Anyway because of the stupid way people coming in the opposite direction to me had in effect blocked the road, I had to bump up on to the pavement to get around them.

Having done this, the bump was a bit more than I had expected and despite KNOWING i hadn't, I convinced myself I had hit a pedestrian :wacko: I KNEW I had looked and checked first and I am a careful driver, but the mind is a powerful thing.

I KNEW I hadn't but by the time I got to the bottom of the hill I had to loop back and check to make sure, a three or four mile detour through awful rush hour traffic. :weep:

So, in brief, never underestimate what your mind can convince you of. :scared15:

29-10-11, 14:49
Thank you pancho, jill, and jam.

Actually I was at home for the first time in 8 months because of graduate school and work. And yes, even before I left home for the uni and work, I've always seen my father walk that same path in the upstairs corridor whenever he leaves the room because I sit at my usual spot on the dining table.

I really just hope it was some sort of "association". Me being away form home for such a long time probably played some tricks inside my mind.

It's awfully weird since I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to things that I cannot explain. Sometimes I think that there's no room for supernatural stuff yet I'm still afraid of the things I might possibly see and not explain. :weep: