View Full Version : Is this indigestion ?

26-10-11, 09:12
I have been having some symptoms the last week burping,stomach rumbling,nausea and a pain in my chest at the top and now seems to have settled in my left breast ? i have taken zantac and it stopped the chest pain but still getting a bit in behind left breast,its horrible when people say they have indigestion its alway in the top of the stomach and mines not :ohmy: any ideas.

26-10-11, 09:21
HI HazG,

I get this alot, constant burping, gas in stomach and an ache and trapped gas just under my left breast. Have been to the docs quite a few times about it as I was concerned it was something to do with my heart. My doctor tells me the same thing everytime... that it is a mixture of indigestion and Ibs. I have been prescribed omprazole (which doesn;t seem to work) for the indegestion and Mebervine (does work after a few days) for the Ibs, he also recommended drinking peppermint tea before a meal as this help with digestion.

He has told me to look at my diet and exercise... which I am trying to do..

Hope this helps a bit :)

26-10-11, 09:24
You know it's very common for people to go to the ER with chest pain , to be told it was indigestion , so yes it can be That painful!

26-10-11, 19:32
i really feel for you. i have had a huge variety of stomach symptoms for over a year now and am on lansoprazole and gaviscon. i had an an endoscopy which showed reflux/oesophagitis but i get all kinds of symptoms throughout my whole digestive system. the stomach does actually sit to the left - that is probably why you feel it more there.

unfortunately its a vicious circle - anxiety/stress probably causes these symptoms which then causes worry and so on but i am sure it is nothing to worry about and that is half the battle because although its easy to say - the more we focus on symptoms/sensations - the more aware we are of them!