View Full Version : Neurological exam...

26-10-11, 10:59
Hi everyone....

I thought I would pop a post on here as I have an appointment with a neurologist on Friday and im starting to get very anxious about it....

I was wondering how many other anxiety sufferers have had one previously, and what happened after them. I have been suffering with bad anxiety now for 20 weeks and it has mainly been about having a neurological condition, primarily VCJD. I now know that this is highly unlikely, but the symptoms that I have (in my head) match it to a tee- NUMBNESS, IRRATIONAL THOUGHT, TWITCHING (SO MUCH TWITCHING), COGNITIVE PROBLEMS, A SUDDEN DEPRESSION, PINS AND NEEDLES, SUNBURNT SKIN SENSATION, COLD AND WET SKIN, DIZZINESS.

Truth be told, all of these symptoms came on over a 2 week period after many stressful events in my life, I started feeling as though I wasnt quite right, I was having word finding difficulties , I googled, I freaked out and then the rest of the symptoms started. Also I accept that none of these have got any worse, 20 weeks down the line, Im still working, Im still functioning properly and normally apart from the anxiety (which is always there).

I think I am so worried about the Neurologist appointment because I am desperate for him to say "I KNOW THERE NOTHING WRONG OTHER THAN ANXIETY", that way I feel that can bring some finality to this whole episode and I can just move on with my life. I am worried that he will refer me for further tests. I keep saying to myself that these people must see anxiety all the time, as such not need to do further tests for it.... HAS anyone been to a neurologist and been referred for further tests only for it to come back as all clear?

Just floating these questions out there for a bit of advice is all


26-10-11, 22:46
Hi There

I convinced myself 2 years ago I had MS, I "had" all the symptoms ( exactly the ones you have described) and was referred to a neurologist. Totally freaked me out, esp when he referred me for an MRI.

Do you know what though, NO sign of MS and since been given the all clear my symptoms vanished, all anxiety.

Drives me nuts, at the moment I have an overwhelming fear of MND, I know it's unlikely but I have to fight with myself everyday not to go into panic mode so I know where you are coming from.

Do post and let us know what happened xx