View Full Version : heart flutters have got the better of me

24-05-06, 12:53

im sure you all have seen me post on eptopic heart beats and flutters but i just carnt take it in that i havent got somthing realy wrong with my heart.
i have had an ecg about a month ago when they were realy bad and they sead that it was fast but fine can they tell if your heart is ok by doing this?i seem to be getting them all the time at the min i used to just get them at that time of the month or at night
today i feel realy tired and i went to get my little girl from school and they started to happen they continued all the way home this carnt be right im sure
anyway today i just carnt cope i want out they are never going to go away the only thing stopping me is my little girl but for how long ?how do i know it is just stress and not a heart problem i allways feel like i am masking a real problem with stress
sorry for going oni just carnt cope today and dread tonight cos i know they will get much worse they allways do
jo x

24-05-06, 12:59
Awww Jo sorry you are having a bad day, I'm sure the drs would have picked up anything unusual. I know it's hard but try and calm down, relax and 'go with it' as the more you stress over them the more they'll happen as you are so aware of it. I know how you feel, having a bad day myself, but they come and go and good days are there to be had too. have you read Claire Weeks bk Self help for the nreves, really good and explains so much.
In my thoughts and prayers
Take care


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 13:38

I am so sorry about how you are feeling. I had very bad haeart flutters a few months back. I gave up smoking, drinking, all refined sugar, and caffeine. It really did help. See if they will let you go on a beta blocker? That also helped me.

Take care hun.

24-05-06, 14:13
jodie have a look at the symptoms page and on this one and you will see how much ashley and others suffer with this harmless but frightening sensation

yes the ecg would pick up abnormalities in your heart

have you read claire weekes book " self help for yuor nerves"


24-05-06, 14:27
thank you so so much all of you for the support it realy dose help
i have just had a chat to the doc about things and she sead she might give me some propanalol(spell check)lol
theyjust came on so fast last night and today and i fear that my heart will just not stop beating funny and then kill me daft i know but i carnt help it
yes jakie there is a story to the book it was deliverd to my house when i was out they left it round the side and it got wet i opend it and had a bit of a read but parts were damaged so we sent it bk and are now waiting for the new copy but it did seem very helpfull and explaned things very clearly but i just carnt think that anything will help at the min
thanks agane

24-05-06, 20:04
well i have tryed to stay calm all afternoon and these eptopic ,flutters are still happening and scaring me loads why on earth are they happening to me i keep looking at my little girl and i just want to be normal for her .i am scared when its night time cos they get worse and i get them even more when i go to bed
sorry for going on but at themin i am very low and scared

marie ross
24-05-06, 20:10
Hi Jodie,

I had exactly the same symtoms as you and yes, they scared me half to death, every day i thought it was going to die because of them, but please don't worry they won't harm you. I'm on the same beta blockers as you, and they are brilliant, they really work. Give it a few more days and you should notice them working. I hardly get any more flutters any more, and when i do i just ignore them because they are so rare now and don't bother me any more.

Take care.

Marie XXX

24-05-06, 20:18
havent got them yet i just talked to the doc about it on the phone today i have to go in on friday to see her and get pills .
it is such a hard thing to thing to get through your head that these nasty feelings arnt going to kill me i am getting them as i wright this .
i just feel tired of them now and feel like i am going mad i realy do
i have read the side affects of propanolol and it says you can get irregular heart beats how can this be if it is to treat them i have a huge fear of pills well all meds
jo x

marie ross
24-05-06, 20:22
Hi Jodie,

I know how you feel, before i went to the doctors i was just constantly worrying thinking i was going to die, and that my kids would be left without a mum, it will tire you out because your're constantly stressing about them. I know its difficult but please don't worry about them, you will be fine. When you get new tablets the best thing to do is not to look at the side effects because if your like me you'll end up having every side effect listed on there.

Take care.

Marie XXX

24-05-06, 20:23
Hi Jodie,
I have had a real battle with flutters and witnessed my hubbie have a cardiac arrest. I always felt that my flutters would lead to a heart attack, but they haven't. I have spent quite a bit of time working on a cardiac unit, which has helped me to realise that the drs can identify all sorts of heart problems and they would have diagnosed problems with your heart. Did you know that even if you had a heart attack months ago that a recent ecg would confirm that? I have also spoken to many patients with all sorts of heart conditions and it has been really comforting for me to know that none of them have had palps prior to their heart attacks. The only patients I have come into contact with in the chest clinic suffering from chest pain and palps are those diagnosed with anxiety. These things have helped to calm me down over the months and I really hope it helps to ease your mind and reassure you during your bad times.
Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

24-05-06, 20:24
Hi Jodie,
I have had a real battle with flutters and witnessed my hubbie have a cardiac arrest. I always felt that my flutters would lead to a heart attack, but they haven't. I have spent quite a bit of time working on a cardiac unit, which has helped me to realise that the drs can identify all sorts of heart problems and they would have diagnosed problems with your heart. Did you know that even if you had a heart attack months ago that a recent ecg would confirm that? I have also spoken to many patients with all sorts of heart conditions and it has been really comforting for me to know that none of them have had palps prior to their heart attacks. The only patients I have come into contact with in the chest clinic suffering from chest pain and palps are those diagnosed with anxiety. These things have helped to calm me down over the months and I really hope it helps to ease your mind and reassure you during your bad times.
Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

24-05-06, 20:31
hi shaz
it has been about six years that i have had them now they started when my doughter died
they feel like a big thud in my chest or a flutter they seem worse at that time of the month and at night when i get into bed and relax they normaly start but today they have been on and of all the time and i feel tired and low
i am sorry to hear that you have been through a hard time to it dose make you panic when you see things like that
jo x

24-05-06, 20:48
Hi Jodie,
How are you feeling now?
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter no wonder your left with such terrible symptons. Did you ever have any flutters before this happened? This is something I ask myself when I'm feeling rough. Although my problems started 2 years ago I can remember never suffering with heart problems before.

I too get the symptons more at the time of the month and most of my other symptons come in the evening when I sit down and relax.

But taliking to others really has really helped me and I hope it is helping you now.


What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

24-05-06, 21:13
hi shaz

the flutters started six years ago i carnt remember them befor that but i do remember being very panicy and stressed as a child
i lived with my grandparents from six weeks old and loved them so much they were so very kind they both died last year my granpar in august and my nana on christmas eve they both had lung cancer.
i do get on with my mum and step dad now but could never live with them i just liked being with my grandparents mt step dad has live problems and just came of life support and mum disabled and going through lts of tests for her heart so things have never been that good .
i just wish i could be free of these eptopics and everthing i am getting help but not sure it will work or if i can last that long with all of this i have had it with it all my hubby just dosent understand and dosent help anyway thats about whats been going on mad huh
jo x

24-05-06, 21:28
Aww Jodie
you have had such a difficult time over the last few years it's no wonder you have anxiety and stress it is putting on your body. Unless people have experienced anxiety firsthand it is difficult for them to understand, so your husband's reaction is about normal but doesn't help you at all. There's lots of support here and I hope that all the reassurance will help you calm down your thinking and in turn help to calm your body down, but it does take time, which is frustrating I know but there are no quick answers, wish there were. It just takes time and the realisation that it will pass, you just have to get out of that cycle of anxious thoughts, symptoms causing anxiety etc. Sorry bit long winded. I'm trying to get through this too, we all are so its good to be able to support one another.
take care


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 21:58
daisy thank you

it has been very stressfull at times i have a 4yr old girl and she keeps me going i do love her so much .
i hope you are feeling better if you ever need to talk you can pm me anytime you have given me such kind words
jo x

25-05-06, 15:37
jo the book will really help when it comes and i have to say that when mine were bad the propanolol really helped and i had no side effects with them so that was a bonus. id reccomend them to anyone

im so sorry to here about your daughter and i know that nothing must ever take that pain away but having another little girl must ease it a little if only a little

these things cannot harm you but the tablets are a must i think to take them away


25-05-06, 18:01
Hi Jodie,

As you know I've had similar problems to you and I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've had ectopics on and off for about 12 years or so, always coming on during times of stress or pregnancy (very common in pregnancy). Well about 3 months ago they developed into SVT's which is when your heart races alarmingly fast for several seconds and feels like a constant flutter rather than the quick ones you get with ectopics. This would sometimes happen on and off for hours! I saw the GP twice and actually went to casualty about 6 am once because they were so bad. I had an ECGand later an excercise ECG- all clear. The nurse in A and E told me she gets many people (particularly women) coming into casualty with ectopics, SVT's etc and they can stop and start out of the blue and are down to stress.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I decided one day I'd had enough and called my dad, who is a cognitive behaviouralist therapist who specialises in anxiety disorders and he came to see me. He told me that he has at least 8 patients on his books at any given time with these heartbeat 'problems'. He said that he was 101% certain it was anxiety and told me to see the doctor again to get an event monitor BUT ONLY to reassure me then I was to put the thing to bed once and for all. So the next morning I presented myself to my GP in a real state because I was at the end of my tether. He reiterated what my dad had told me but agreed to the referral just to ease my mind. I felt so relieved that I was finally going to get some closure on this. Well I woke up the next morning feeling strangely good (I'd felt constantly anxious for 2 months) and do you know what? I have not had one ectopic or flutter or SVT since that day over 3 weeks ago. And i finally realised why. It was because I was no longer afraid of them. i heard many people on here say the best cure for them was to stop fearing them and the same goes for PA's; because fearing these things fuels them and I've realised that now.

I hope you take this on board Jodie, because what I'm saying is true and I just wish that I realised this months ago.

Please PM me if you feel bad again. I really know what you're going through mate and I hate to think of anyone suffering like this. You're a strong person and you will get over this: don't give up mate.

Take care

Shiv x

26-05-06, 16:48
hi everyone

shiv thank you
i am pleased you are a lot better well done for being so strong i am glad you havent had any eptopics.
i have tried to get up and think well i dont care i am going to get on with the day but they get so bad i know they are happening and just feel so ill and panicy my hubby dosent help he just seems not to care at all i have seen me almost past myself with worry and he just watches football and if i say anything to him he just says ok or you will be fine .
these dam things are wrecking our lives i just think it would be so much better if i wasent around they could get on with there lives without all this crap i am giving them .
i have been to see the doc today wich was pointless she was going to give me propanalol but have sead after looking at them i carnt have them cos i have a skin disorder that can get worse with them i tried to tell her the stress is doing that also!
anyway sorry for going on just feel so down i want it all to go away i want to feel normal agane
jodie x

27-05-06, 15:23
Hi Jodie

I suffer with the same little ones don't bother me too much but when i get the strong ectopics then they do. I've had them for 4yrs now since i got my anxiety.

Lately though i've only been having the small ones when i get angry about things i notice them more so i try to keep calm.

Try not to worry too much.

linda xx

27-05-06, 16:28
Hi Jodie

i know that it's easier said than done to ignore them. I tried to do it for weeks and convinced myself a few times that they didn't bother me when they really did.

I think you should do what I did and insist to the doctor that you want an event monitor or a 24 hour monitor at the very least. I bet that once they've been recorded and you've been reassured by a cardiologist they will stop.

good luck

Shiv x

29-05-06, 09:34
hi all
well not had a bad 2 days realy still having eptopics but not as bad trying not to think about them to much realy i am getting them more when i eat and in bed a night ?anyway not going to go on about them to much today
thank you all for such sweet posts it has helped so much


29-05-06, 19:26
hi all

well thought i was having a day free from flutters and eptopics but nope they started agane at 5 this afternoon .
i start self help group at 1 tomorrow and i am hopeing it helps but still have a strange feeling that these so called eptopics are not normal i keep googling the symptoms of heart problems and it dose say eptopics and fluttering feelings are sighns of a problem if they happen all the time .i wish all this worry would stop and i think it would if these dam flutters wernt happening all the time every day


30-05-06, 00:32
*holds you near* I know how you are feeling I get those alot as well as chest pain. EKG are very very effective tools belive you me. I am a medical Tech and a nursing student I decided to go to school to learn about my body and how it works. Like you I also have had EKG's <ECG> done many many times... And like you I sometimes dont belive them, like many of us. I understand your pain and fustration I feel the same time and time again. I know it is hard to grasp even I cant and I know everything is alright.. How funny is that! *snuggles* It happens when you have an attack or following or for no reason at all.. sometimes chest pain may also follow. And this is because you "tense" when having an attack. you can learn so much more on this topic and others by reading my fav. and very wonderful book called "Its not all in your head" you an get it for under $20 US dollars at www.amazon.com
I hope you start to feel better soon. And we are all here for you if you need anything please send me a PM. Take care!


06-06-06, 13:56
hi everone

well im still getting them worse than ever i had a realy good weekend and then monday night i got a couple of flutters and then they just went on all night they wouldent stop and every one felt very forsefull with a twinge pain not bad pain but it scared me so so much .
it is getting me so down and upsetting all my family me and my hubby are well were going to separate for a bit or longer i think i am driving everyone mad talking about them all the time we have sorted things out at the min but only cos i dont talk about what is going on if they are bad i just try and cope myself i am waiting for 24hr ecg to be done i have asked to be sent to hospital so it can all be looked at but the doc sead no !
i just carnt go on anymore i am so scared that the 24 tape will say i have something realy bad wrong with my heart

jodie x

07-06-06, 14:08
hi i get axactly what you are getting i too have had an ecg about 3 weeks. but i still insist there is something wrong. does it feel as though your heart is missing a beat?


07-06-06, 20:39
hi all

sorry to hear you are geting these bloody nasty things j !
they feel like a thud in the chest or like a flutter they can happen just a few times a day or all the timeevery couple of beats they realy scare me and feel wierd sometimes like my heart is shaking they are worse at night when i am trying to sleep i am gettin a 24hr ecg done tomoz i am so scared they will say there is somthing wrong with my heart but i have just had years of wory over them and just want to know that things are ok
what do yours feel like ?
jo x

09-06-06, 20:18
well i have had the 24hr ecg done and yes i had a few eptopics or what i think are eptopics .
today they took of the monitor ans yep i am getting loads all the time i feel very very scared tonight and just feel worthless my hubby is saying he is going to leave if i dont stop going on about them but they are so strong when they happen and i just carnt cope anymore i have had all sorts of thoughts tonight and just wish they would stop i can hear people having fun outside and just wish i could be them people but when these start i just carnt cope sorry for going on but tonight is just realy bad

12-06-06, 13:44
Hi everyone
I was so relieved to find I wasn't the only one with these awful thumps and flutters in my chest. Mine come for a few months, sometimes a few a day, other times every few minutes, in runs of 3 or 4 - really horrible. Had tests, 24 hour monitor, they said I do have ectopics but 'just one of those things, don't worry@ - easier said than done! But EVERYTHING I ever read about them (and I've read a lot, believe me!) says they're not dangerous at all. And I'm still here after at least 20 years of it. I still panic sometimes when they're really bad, but am slowly - very slowly!- coming to terms with it I think. Till the next bad time anyway!
All the best to fellow sufferers!