View Full Version : Free books

26-10-11, 17:08
Hi Everyone

I'm having a clear out and have 3 books to give away to a good home.

Some have been more useful than others but hope they will be of use to someone.

I'll cover the cost of postage and although I can't specify and won't ask, I'd prefer them to go to someone in need and possibly can't afford to buy.

1. CBT for dummies ed 2006

2. No panic written recovery programme for phobias 12 week programme (Published by the excellent charity No Panic so isn't a proper book but I think very good)

3. Mastery of your anxiety and panic 4th ed

Just reply if interested and if you are the first person I'll pm you to ask for delivery address.



29-10-11, 06:29
Megan there are sometimes prize draws on here. You might ask Nic (nomorepanic) if she could use them for prizes? :)

29-10-11, 07:40
That's an idea Chem, nice one. ;)

Megan, PM Nic about donating them for a draw, I'm sure they wud be most welcome. :D

29-10-11, 12:47
We are doing the NMP raffle very soon so I am happy to take them as prizes for that if that is ok?

07-11-11, 20:39

Have pm'd you Nicola. Just send me the address and I'll post :)