View Full Version : OCD- any advice?

24-05-06, 13:19
Hi people!
i've managed to control my anxiety through a variety of techniques - distraction, mantras, keeping busy, writing down and thinking of rational and alternative thoughts instead of my 'what if' ones; reading up on general anxiety; listening to relaxation tapes.

Though my OCD has been pretty tricky to control, despite seeking help from a psychologist (who helped me control my general anxiety), my OCD still controls my life- for example I have to check around 9 long times that all the cooker dials are at 0 before I go to bed; that the computer is unplugged around 3 long times. Though it gets worse when there is no one else around, because I feel that all the responsibility falls on me and I think it would be all my fault if something awful happened. So basically I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions to control OCD? thanks!

25-05-06, 13:39
Hi Stone Sour,
Gee it's good to find someone else like me - always having to go back to check that the door really is locked and the stove really is off, and that my wallet didn't leap out of my handbag, or that my handbag is in the car.
Someone told me her sister conquered the "have I locked the door" by pressing her hand on the door and saying "I have locked you." I haven't figured out anything for the dials on the stove. My husband just tells me "You have already checked" when I try to check my handbag more than once.
If anybody else knows how to control the checking urges, that would be great. KGreen

25-05-06, 13:50

Welcome to the forum

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

25-05-06, 16:46

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of help and support here. I know exactly what you mean, I have ocd too. I can't seem to control mine, so I don't really have any advice to give. I need advice too! How long have you suffered with ocd for?

x x