View Full Version : Bladder infections are driving me mad!

26-10-11, 22:18
Hello everyone,
Recently after my time of the month I get bladder/kidney infections, I've suffered with these since I was very very young. My mother has told me because of almost constantly having them when I was very young my kidneys are scarred. I'm 18 by the way if that helps at all. I recently went to the hospital to have a ultra sound on my kidneys and nothing came back to me about them so i'm taking no news as good news. I really hate being at the doctors as I feel i'm there so much I should start paying rent! I drink so so much water but they are driving me mad and I can't help but worry as I get a slight pain either on the left or the right right where my waist is on the side.
Anyone have any tips for me? They would be much appreciated! Thank you! x

27-10-11, 00:14
I know just what you are talking about! I'm way passed my monthlies at 64 but I would get a bladder infection/irritation every month. I found it was because the week before I would get the munchies and eat lots of food like chocolate, biscuits, bread etc that would push the acid level up in my urine and that's what caused the problem. Even now, if the acid level gets too high I get what we call in the family, a "stingy thingy".

The best treatment for me and my daughters was, at the onset, drink a big glass of water with a flat teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in it and do that every hour for 4 hours then ½ teaspoon every 2 hours x 4. We ended up buying empty gelatine capsules and putting the bicarb in them. I take 1 x 15g Cranberry capsule a day. I've found the Cranberry calms my bladder. Sitting with a hot water bottle on your lap can ease the pain and take painkillers like panadol or ibuprofen.

In the long plan, avoid the sugary and starchy food in the week leading up to your monthlies if you can.

Many years ago a bought a wee book called "Foods That Conquer Cycstitis" by Dr Patrick Kingsley and that was my turning point. I can still get the darn things if I don't watch it but not as much as in my younger days.

All the best to you

27-10-11, 12:20
You could try drinking two tumblers of Cranberry juice a day .Its helps protect the Urinary tract from infections .I had several UTI,S But since ive drunk this I havnt had anymore .Also wear cotton pants, and when you wipe ,,ensure you wipe from Front to back .Pads can sometimes cause probs, so try using a different make ,or use Tampons ..Hope you find this helpful and you get it sorted soon .Luv Sue x