View Full Version : Skin Cancer Biopsy

24-05-06, 14:17
Well I did what everyone suggested and saw GP today over the lump on my head, and he went into a right state and is sending me to a dermatologist, saying I might need a biopsy. I am now convinced the symptoms he once put down to anxiety are actually due to skin cancer. He got the other GP to have a look and she said its because it is a while lesion with two brown spots that they are worried. Charming.

Does anyone know if the dermatologist is the one who does the biopsy, and will they let me stay awake for it, as its on my scalp? I cannot be put to sleep, its my phobia

Anxiety Is Evil

24-05-06, 14:32
Skin cancer runs in my family, and I am a very moley person.
Last year the Doc wanted to remove one of my moles as it had got large in a short space of time.

I was worried as i have a fear of being put to sleep.
but the procedure was done under a local so i was wide awake and didnt hurt one bit. the biospdy came back all clear.

Try not to worry. Let us know how it goes!


Hay x

Two heads
24-05-06, 16:36
Hi farr!
I saw a dermatologist about four years a go as i had a rare skin diesese.
The dermatologist will look at it and i expect the nurse will take the biopsy.They only take a very small amount so please dont worry,you shouldet need to be put to sleep!xx

24-05-06, 16:55
hi just yesterday i had a dermatology appointment as i got my doctor to refer me for two moles removing on my side...been stressing about these for a while even though doctor told me they looked completely benign..anyway she wanted to remove just one as it was different colours but was convinced it was harmless...they just numb the area with local anaesthetic(you stay awake)..ended up with 5 stitches though...worst thing is im now worrying its a malignant melanoma(was googling..silly me)..wont know result of biopsy for 6 weeks as she said is was non urgent..ther goes 6 weeks of worry for me then...
the dermatologist may or may not do your biopsy i had a doctor do mine...take care and good luck you will be fine

25-05-06, 22:49
All the best luck to you. These things often come to nothing, and I certainly hope that's the case for you. Please let us know how you get on with the dermatologist.