View Full Version : Slightly worried

27-10-11, 09:18
Hello I'm new to the website so forgive me if I have posted in the wrong bit . My problem is that I have visited two massage parlors in the last three months with what I was told no risk activity after visiting the first one I ve had constant sore muscle some pain in the side of my head and just not feeling my self really . The HIV thing is in my head from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed . Just want to know if some of these symptoms could possibly be to anxiety or stress

27-10-11, 09:52
Absolutely along with a bit of guilt stirring the wwhole thing up for you. Don't give it another thought.

27-10-11, 10:21
Why is it anxiety can cause really sore muscle ache

paula lynne
27-10-11, 10:55
Anxiety makes the muscles tense up. We become aware we are anxious, and tense up even more, whether we realise it or not. Try some anti-inflamms if you can tolerate them, and putting a hot water bottle on your head and lying down can help as it opens up the blood vessels and promotes oxygen supply.
Hope you feel better soon, and a belated welcome to the forum.:welcome:

27-10-11, 11:06
I kEEp tRying to put it at the back of my mind then I keep thinking what if with all these aches and pains I'm getting and I can't mind of having them before the incidents and that just triggers me off even more I just put two and two together and come up with five . Even though I ve read that HIV is pretty hard to get in the first place and the two incidents were of no risk my mind still thinks the worst

27-10-11, 11:20
I kEEp tRying to put it at the back of my mind then I keep thinking what if with all these aches and pains I'm getting and I can't mind of having them before the incidents and that just triggers me off even more I just put two and two together and come up with five . Even though I ve read that HIV is pretty hard to get in the first place and the two incidents were of no risk my mind still thinks the worst

Focus on this - also I am not sure the symptoms you describe are consistent in any way with HIV/AIDs plus as I understand matters HIV would be most unlikely to have developed into AIDs that quickly.

I put myself through hell with this after having had my neck nicked by a barber's clippers when having my hair cut. As I understand the virus has a very very limited ability to survive outside the human body and in any event you have not engaged in any activity likely to give it the chance to be transmitted from what you have said so please please don't worry.

27-10-11, 11:45
Thanks for getting back to me . Basically all it was and forgive me for saying this was a hand job on both occasions and a bit nipple suckling was reading on another forum and the only sexual activity at risk is unprotected vaginal and anal which I never done but still can't get it out my head . Stupid I know but this has been ongoing for months now

27-10-11, 11:48
Thanks for getting back to me . Basically all it was and forgive me for saying this was a hand job on both occasions and a bit nipple suckling was reading on another forum and the only sexual activity at risk is unprotected vaginal and anal which I never done but still can't get it out my head . Stupid I know but this has been ongoing for months now

In that case yup I agree you have NOTHING to worry about.

It will be some muscular thing which is being amplified/exacerbated by your anxiety. :yesyes: