View Full Version : Pacing the room!

27-10-11, 11:41
Well, here I am again getting into a terrible state - got my Gasto appointment at 3pm today and am sooooo anxious. This is for a second/third opinion on pain under right ribs - still convinced it is something to do with my pancreas and I am terrified of any tests/results he may want to do. I know it was a mistake to diagnosed this from Google - big mistake! but my symptons do seem to fit although I don't have weight loss and the pain is not that severe - seems to fit with chronic pancreatitis - did use to enjoy my wine - daren't drink now! Ultrasound showed Pancreas normal and normal endoscopy 4 years ago, liver blood tests clear too. Trouble is they say it's a difficult one to diagnose and can be mistaken for IBS - HELP - pacing the room!

27-10-11, 12:10
Ji Jane, sorry to hear you are so anxious this morning, but as you have had the tests back normal, i'm sure there is nothing to worry about, put some relaxing music on, keep occupied , as any distraction will help, and good luck with this afternoon. keep us posted x

27-10-11, 12:17
Thanks for your kind words, really appreciated.

27-10-11, 16:41
Good luck!! Hope all is going well x

27-10-11, 18:24
Well, here I am again getting into a terrible state - got my Gasto appointment at 3pm today and am sooooo anxious. This is for a second/third opinion on pain under right ribs - still convinced it is something to do with my pancreas and I am terrified of any tests/results he may want to do. I know it was a mistake to diagnosed this from Google - big mistake! but my symptons do seem to fit although I don't have weight loss and the pain is not that severe - seems to fit with chronic pancreatitis - did use to enjoy my wine - daren't drink now! Ultrasound showed Pancreas normal and normal endoscopy 4 years ago, liver blood tests clear too. Trouble is they say it's a difficult one to diagnose and can be mistaken for IBS - HELP - pacing the room!

Gosh how funny I had the same thing for years I had camera. It turned out I had Gastritis and antacids cleard it. It was coursed by stress I was married at the time and had to put up with a lot from my ex. I don't have it now but I used to obbsess about it thinking it was all kinds. it was under my right rib. I really know the more I focused on it the more I got anxious.

Cathy xx

28-10-11, 17:10
Thought I would update you on the visit to the Gastro man. Sat in waiting room getting into a real state of anxiety - stomach gurgling like mad etc. Couldn't eat all day as so worried then felt sick and wanted to go to the loo - you know the scenario. Anyway - he was a really nice chap, read all my notes, felt my tummy and told me that he didn't think there was anything serious going on but because I have had this for so long and in order "to put this to rest" he is sending me for an MRI Scan and a CT Scan which will look at the biliary track and intestines etc. I had my bloods taken - usual procedure and off I went. He also mentioned that pain under the right rib that cannot be diagnosed as anything in particular is very common. My husband came with me knowing what an anxious person I am and was telling me all the way home that it was really good news and that the Doc is doing this so that I can put an end to this anxiety and move on. Of course I was initially relieved by what he had said and was quite euphoric last night. Now after a restless night's sleep I am off again worrying about the results of the blood tests (what is they find something wrong and it is my Pancreas after all?), how I will cope with the MRI scan (didn't like the last one I had on my back - almost had a panic attack) and the dangers of having a CT scan (have had quite a few x rays etc in my life - more radiation!!) - got to have an injection apparently and swallow some liquid for that? Apparently the injection can cause more kidney damage if you already have kidney damage and I have Stage 3 kidney disease as a result of reflux as a teenager (all stable now as had big op to prevent the reflux) - told Doc and he said I would be fine - can't help but worry though - what a vicious circle this all is!!!!!!!

29-10-11, 18:07
How did you get on at the Drs ? I too have pain under rt ribs going thru to my back ,mine feels like i want to keep stretching that side out .Ultra sound was normal. Hope you r ok . x

31-10-11, 13:16
Did you see my previous post with the update - that's as much as I can tell you for now - just waiting on blood test results and scan appointments - got churning tummy now and acid reflux - keep telling myself it's all anxiety!!

04-11-11, 17:16
Help - just got a copy of my blood test results following last week's gastro appointment - I know this sounds barmy but the letter says my bloods are satisfactory - is that OK?? Does it mean normal or fine?? Satisfactory doesn't sound that good to me - am I going bonkers??? Still waiting on appointments for the MRI and CT Scan (have Stage 3 Kidney disease and am worried about risks associated with the injection given for the CT Scan), Doc says it should be OK though if I am well hydrated - anyone know anything about this?? PLEASE?

04-11-11, 18:00
Don't know about the risks associated with your injection, but "satisfactory" on blood test results sounds like medical speak for "fine". Good luck if you decide to go ahead with the scans.

04-11-11, 18:17
Satisfactory indicates nothing abnormal.

06-11-11, 14:04
Thanks to you both for your replies.

07-11-11, 13:20
Just seen a copy of the consultants letter back to GP. Mentions that previous Gastrosocopy biopsies indicated Chemical Gastritis. This test was done 4 years ago and is the first I have heard of it. I was told everything was normal - what is Chemical Gastritis and what does that mean?? Should I not have been treated for that? Anybody know anything about this?

07-11-11, 13:51
I had an endoscopy last year and i was told i had mild gastritis and was given anti acid tablets (omerazapole). I took 30mg for a few months and then reduced to 15mg a day. They did help but i am worrying about another issue now and my guts are in a state again, full of wind, rushing to toilet first thing in morning, nausea and feeling full etc. Dont know why i never think rational i always fear the worst with stupid googling.

07-11-11, 15:07
I am just the same - I Google everything and it is so bad to do so!!! I also get the same as you with regard to guts - I have to rush to the loo too and at the moment my stomach is in turmoil - lots of burping and tummy ache after eating. I am certain this is because I have been to see the consultant and am waiting for more tests to check out this pain under rib - it always makes me worse. In fact if I Google something my stomach starts griping the minute I click on "search". Trouble is I am always searching for answers - guess you feel the same. Good to know it's not just me! When I get into bed at night, my stomach starts aching/griping as I lie there worrying about my pain - what a viscious circle!! I think my brain must be wired straight to my stomach!