View Full Version : Hello there ..

27-10-11, 13:00
I'm a 28 year old, (barely) male who has suffered from chronic shyness and social anxiety since pretty much forever. To say that it's held me back is an understatement. Of the possible 12 years of working life since I left school with no grades due to rarely turning up(because of my issues) I have worked probably a total of 9 months.

I have never had a proper relationship and avoid nearly all social situations if I can help it.

Would be great to start chatting to people who have been through similiar circumstances or in fact it would be just great to talk to anyone as at pushing 30 my life has just passed me by.

27-10-11, 13:02
Hi babyfacedloner

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-10-11, 16:34
Hi and :welcome:Im really glad you found us:)