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View Full Version : Anxious thoughts

Dave 1962
27-10-11, 14:59
Fairly new to this site and would love some advice to help me as I'm having a rough few weeks. My main problem is constant worry and fearful imaginings about future events. Also imagining negative things which probably won't happen. I have constant thoughts about bad things happening to my family etc and cannot get rid of the thoughts. I have been prescribed Peroxitine but haven't started as the potential side effects are bothering me.
Any advice most welcome. Thanks

27-10-11, 15:35
Hi Dave,

I've been having anxious thoughts/anxiety attacks and panic attacks for 5 months now. I was lucky to get a very good CBT therapist (which I started seeing shortly after my anxiety started) and haven't tried the medication route yet.

Within a few sessions with my therapist I was better. I know there's a long waiting list in the UK on NHS (I pay mine out of my own pocket) but if you can find someone near you, I'd recommend CBT a lot!

To me, taking drugs seemed like a quick solution but not a long term one. And I was very keen on finding a solution that would enable me to lead a "normal" life long term.

I have friends that have been on anti depressants at some point in their lives and they helped them - for me it wasn't an option yet.

I hope that helps.

When you are having anxious thoughts, look out of the window, go for a walk and try to focus on the now. I know it sounds daft but it actually helps. All of a sudden your breathing calms down and it's more manageable.

All the best.

Dave 1962
27-10-11, 20:40
Hi Alex

Thanks for the advice and encouragement, I will certainly look into it.

Best Wishes

27-10-11, 22:56
Hi Dave, I think as Anxious Alex suggested CBT would probably be beneficial but as the waiting list is long, ask to be referred to a counsellor in the meantime. Or you could try to find somewhere locally that does free counselling (or they may ask for a voluntary contribution). It will just help you to get your thoughts out there and hopefully not feel so alone.

I have had horrible thoughts like this on and off for years and if I could give you one piece of advice I would say dont try to fight them and try to make them 'disappear'. I now just embrace them and try to let them wash over me and since doing that I have less of them.

It seems that anxiety feeds off things we are most afraid of and by trying to push them away our brain thinks its extremely frightening and then forces us to think even more. I honestly find that welcoming the thoughts and not trying to get rid of them works very well.

Good luck.