View Full Version : Fed up and feel crap

27-10-11, 16:07
Alot of wind, trapped wind, stomach bloating, feeling sick, off my food, don't feel like eating my favourite meal either, or chocolate, nothing.. i feel dead strange, tired all the time and feel like i cant breathe constantly.. im so hot too, im frightened, i dont understand this.. ive been to the doctors and they done a full body check up and blood tests, but everything came back clear, so why do i feel like this? im constantly exhausted, i jus feel like i have no energy to move or do anything and im sleeping alot.. any ideas??? I'm on yentreve medication and ive suffered with anxiety nd depression for a very long time now, i want it to stop i feel so rough :'( xxxx

27-10-11, 16:37
You feel like this because you have anxiety...& depression.
Stop being so hard on yourself.
Like you said you don't have anything physically wrong with you so you know it's not that. Give yourself a break & just accept the horrible feelings for what they are. They will pass.
Thinking of you :hugs:

27-10-11, 17:41
sometimes I feel like this and think I must have something really badly wrong with me,but in the end it passes. Im on meds for anxiety but I think sometimes the meds are nt enough and the anxiety feelings overwhelm me. It sometimes helps to go out for a walk in fresh air and have a bit of mind chatter-dont worry this phase will pass but I think when your really down it seems like you ve forgotton how it felt to be otherwise xx

27-10-11, 17:47
The answer is in your own post ..Fear ...lose the fear and accept its anxiety . Treat your self to a realxing day ,Doing something you enjoy.. Distraction and relaxation really will help .You may have IBS which will explain your stomach/ digestion issues .Being anxious causes it ...T/c and I hope you feel better soon .Sue x:hugs: