View Full Version : Tired

Two heads
24-05-06, 16:20
Im feeling so tired all the time,surely this isnt normal?I had my breathless back over the last couple of days and my head keeps telling me theres something horribly wrong with me and thats why i feel like this!Does anyone else feel this way because im getting a few waves of panick over it and i dont like it.xx

24-05-06, 16:21
I feel like that a lot. Lots of deep breaths. I go to bed pretty late.

24-05-06, 16:26
Hi love.

sorry to hear you feel like poop at the mo.

Anxiety/depression and anything related is absolutly exhausting! When i had it real bad i used to go round my dads (as i didnt want to be alone) and just sleep on the sofa, i used to say all the time, there must be something wrong as i am so tired. He actually read out of his medical journal (he is a paramedic) ' one of the main symptoms of depression, anxiety is lack of energy.'

Take some time out love and eat lots of slow realeasing foods...bananas, nuts, pasta rice etc.

Take care xx

Hay x

24-05-06, 16:31
I'm constantly exhausted and tired at the moment. Head feels stuffed with cotton wool and can't concentrate. Definitely anxiety and stress for me. Sleeping at the drop of a hat!
I'm trying to eat some food for energy, might also be 'cos I've had no caffeine for two weeks too!
Take care


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 17:24
Hi - I am always exhausted too - Claire Weekes explains it well in her books, she calls it the 3 fatigues - have a read if you can.
Love Helen

Two heads
24-05-06, 17:41
Hi all thanks so far for your replys, i just feel so rubbish today!My head is just tellig me horrid things.I did buy claire weeks last week but have load it to my sis because at the week end i thought she was in more need of it than me!But not so sure today.
It claire weeks selfhelp for nerves.xx

24-05-06, 18:07
hello Bong,i get the same feelings of exhaustion,a deep weary feeling.Sometimes it will lead to a panic attack,so what i do ,is go into the garden and do somthing,ANYTHING!!I t seems to work,fresh air and taking my mind off the fear too.hope this helps,it seems very commom,and yes ,i too think that there is somthing terribly wrong when this happens ,as tho i am about to lapse into a coma!!!Oooh what are we like hun??Feel better soon.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Two heads
24-05-06, 18:18
ow thanks marierose!I will try this,i will try anything today.
Thats just how i feel exhaustion all the time at the moment.And yes it just leads to that wave of panick i do so love!And that strange feeling which i can never explain.xxx

24-05-06, 18:46

I was told by my doctor that anxiety causes tiredness as the body is using half the amount of energy again.


Two heads
24-05-06, 18:51
Ow,thanks hun!I have felt anxiious again this week and tired so i suppose it could be.It doesnt matter how much sleep i get i just feel rubbish at mo.xxx

25-05-06, 09:04
Hope your feeling better today x

Hay x

25-05-06, 15:41
bong the tiredness i feel with this anxiety is worse than any tiredness i felt when i was joging, cycling and swimming every day, or when i was working full time and tires me out more than my 5 kids put together

i swear it is really that tireing to be afraid, clairwe weekes talks of mental exaustion all the time when people feel they may not be able to make it out of the bed

i really hope this helps


Two heads
25-05-06, 16:38
Thanks jackie i just find it so hard to believe it!Got a funny head again today as well,it really is pants isnt it.xxx