View Full Version : Really panicky

27-10-11, 20:04
I am feeling really panicky. My doctor has given me some meberivine as I have been having some weird stomach pains and he thinks it is ibs, though the symptoms don't seem the same as anything I have read. I am terrified of all pills but actually took one at about 5pm (my sister made me!). Now I am in hyper anxiety mode and feel very shaky and frightened that I am having a reaction. The only pills I have taken in the last 20 odd years is diazepam very rarely (on my 'safe' list) and he did give me some of those. I have taken a few 2mg the last few days as my stomach seems to settle if I take them (so it probably is all nerves). My anxiety has been really bad lately. Last Jan I had some stomach pains but was seeing a cbt therapist and everything settled down and I was fine until my daughter ended up on life support when she had her baby. It was terrifying. One day I ate something which triggered off my stomach pains and I have been in a right state ever since. It was the first time I had been to the doctors in 5 years (yes, frightened of anything medical too). I suppose it is the anxiety that is making me feel so awful but I am scared it is the tablets. I hate feeling like this.

27-10-11, 21:14
Hi jillyb,

I take mebervine as I too suffer with ibs and it is very good for in stopping stomach spasms, I've never had any side effects with them. It is a vicious circle with anxiety isn't, problems such as ibs make us feel anxious which then makes the ibs worse... Aren't we blessed.

Try to stick with the mebervine as it works wonders for me and hopefully will you too.

Hope this helps


28-10-11, 11:19
Thanks for replying ... I'm not sure how I am supposed to take this med - do I just take them all the time or just when a flare up occurs? At the moment I am being so restrictive on what I eat it has almost become obsessional!