View Full Version : Newbue

27-10-11, 21:13
Hi,I'm a newbie to this site and only wished something was available like this 15 years ago. I have gone it alone, hidden away from life.But now you could say I'm almost there now.Don't get me wrong I still suffer, but no longer alone, no longer ashamed of who I am. But an individual who knows how to deal with each situation and someone who now has the tools needed to over come what life throws my way. Yes, the occasional relapse. But no major terrifying experience for 2 years. There is always hope and inner strength in everyone :-)

27-10-11, 21:14
Hi Beenthere

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-10-11, 14:20
Hi there Well said :) hope you are ok x

Vanilla Sky
31-10-11, 10:47
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

01-11-11, 18:11
Did'nt have a good day yesterday! Today was betta x