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View Full Version : More irrational worries (help me before midnight!!)

27-10-11, 23:04
Hi, i'm so embarrassed but I cant tell anyone else as people think I'm ridiculous everytime I mention stuff like this.

I posted last week about my fears of the world ending, well now I've read something else which points to it happening tomorrow (28th Oct).

Not a religious thing this time, its to do with the Mayans. If you google it there is are a few articles about it.

Anyway, I'm scared :weep:
I cant cope with these dates all the time, and am constantly thinking of how much time is left. I end up having to have a few drinks just to get through, which is annoying.

Thanks anyone.

27-10-11, 23:35
These predictions are rubbish ..ALL the worrying in the world wont stop anything so whats the point .If it ends it ends .Enjoy today and tomorrow will take care of itself .When you wake up the next day and it hasnt happened stop reading these things .All you are doing is spoiling your life ...Concentrate on ,what you can change to make you life better ,People who write these things are off their rockers ..:wacko:..T/c LUV Sue x

27-10-11, 23:40
Thanks Sue, I just can't help myself. I'm actually sitting here panicking and driving myself crazy its awful.

Appreciate your reply and I know you're right deep down xx

28-10-11, 00:30
You know these fears are part of your anxiety. Try to distract yourself, keep away from Google and know that all will be well.

28-10-11, 00:42
Thanks Mirabelle, I'm feeling slightly better now and am going to try to overcome this somehow, I know its my anxiety.

Why am I the only person I know who worries about this stuff?!! xx

28-10-11, 01:08
It is now the 28th and we are still here :yesyes:

28-10-11, 01:21
Yay Nicola we are indeed still here :yesyes: I feel really silly now but can't seem to help it, I would love to know the underlying psychological reasons why I worry so much about this kind of stuff!

28-10-11, 01:24
Media hype I reckon. They always tell us about bad things that will happen yet we survive them all don't we?

Don't feel silly about it - it is just an irrational fear you have and all we can do is help prove it wrong

28-10-11, 13:00
Thank you, appreciate you taking time to reply x