View Full Version : Recently started waking up with unexplained bruises and blood blisters.

28-10-11, 10:50
In the last 2 weeks I have been waking up every few days or so to find about 4 or 5 new bruises on arms and legs and a couple of blood blisters (by these I mean purple/red marks) too! I currently have about 9 bruises and two blood blisters. I haven't had any falls or haven't banged myself that I can think of, certainly not that many times! Scared what this might mean! Leukaemia? or maybe liver failure? (as I do tend to go out a lot and drink quite a bit when am out as is the curse of our generation)

Has anyone else had unexplained bruises/blood blisters?

p.s. apologies for my typo in heading!

:shades: o O ( Fixed it for ye Louise. - Rous. :winks: )

29-10-11, 03:15
You don't say if you are on any medication or not. I think you should see your doctor about this bruising, as it is not usual.

29-10-11, 05:42
Sometimes you have to think really hard about what you are doing day to day. I went through a phase where for about 3 weeks I had loads of bruises on the back of my legs and had no idea why, wasn't falling or hurting myself ever. I was terrified! There were so many that people would ask me if I had gotten hurt. I freaked out. Then I paid close attention to what I was doing all day and noticed that when I sat at my desk doing work, I had been pressing/kicking my legs against a rod on the chair in the exact place I had all the bruises without even noticing it. Once I realized that, I stopped and so did the bruising.

I too think a doctor's opinion wouldn't be a bad idea, but can you think of anything you may be doing to cause this without noticing?

29-10-11, 06:59
When you drink you don't feel as much pain so that could be source .
You might be acting out in your sleep? I do this thing where my hands turn into fists and I wake up with nail marks on my palms, so I try to keep my nails short.

29-10-11, 16:49
Thanks for fixing my typo!

I seem to notice the bruises/blood spots the monring after a night of drinking and when I originally googled unexplianed bruising, cirrohsis of the liver came up hence my panic at whether Im drinking too much, but I would have other symptoms wouldnt I surely?

Other concern has to be leukeamia but thinking would have to be other symptomns for this too?

Dont have an amazing diet so guess that could be the cause or like you say I have read that often an insignificant knock such as walking into thje bed doesnt hurt a lot so seems insignificant and goes unremembered (am hoping its this).