View Full Version : Could I have a social anxiety

28-10-11, 14:31
I have never thought I had any kind of social anxiety etc, as I have always been quite relaxed around people and have always positively enjoyed that part of my job which involves standing up in front of a room full of people and talking.

I have felt unwell, anxious and just awful for weeks, but felt much better yesterday and again today up until late morning, when I started to feel a bit breathless and dizzy.

I had to go to a lunch meeting with about 50 other folk, most of whom I know well, and this is pretty much a weekly meeting, so I had not reason to feel anxious about it, and didn't think I was.

Anyway I got there, but by about 1.50pm I was really starting to feel pretty rubbish again.

I am now back in my office and still feeling a bit anxious about starting to feel unwell again, but am better than I was.

Could it be that I was anxious about my lunch meeting without realising that I was anxious (if that makes any sense at all!) and it was this that made me feel ropey?

Edited to add - put in this forum because most of my anxieties surround the fear of illness, and manifest as symptoms of such.

28-10-11, 18:58
hi, i couldnt understand why i suddenly felt spaced out and lightheaded in certain situations when i felt that those situations shouldnt cause me to feel panic. So for example i was sitting in a cafe with my hubby and suddenly felt the feelings - why!? whereas in a situation that i may assume would bring about panic like a job interview, i was ok (in that way, still felt v nervous etc) so all in all this anxiety business can be very stange, this of course makes it worse as i cannot now predict when i will feel anxious :-( hope that makes sense and is a little helpful that others are going through the same thing.