View Full Version : fibroid scare

28-10-11, 14:54
Went to gp today about bladder pressure and backache. She did internal exam and says she thinks fibroid which I was told about a 3 years ago has got big and causing problems. She wants me to go for a scan. I.am worried sick, what if its something else she can feel? I have had 3 diazapam.today and still feel off the scale anxiety. I am 45 and already suffering depression and health anxiety, so frightened.

28-10-11, 19:32
Anyone please, feeling so desperate

28-10-11, 19:56
I have fibroids and they told me they will go when I reach the menopause so nothing is being done about them.

Don't panic yet - the doc said it was probably the fibroid so go and get the scan then you will know.

28-10-11, 20:00
Its 99.9% likely that your known fibroid has just got bigger due to the usual oestrogen dominence that is very common in your 40's. Its also common to get ovarian cysts at this age as well and I know from experience that this is always freak time for us ha sufferers.

The ultrasound will show the fibroid and will also give a good mot to al your ladies bits and if the fibroid is causing you problems then they will likely refer you to gyny.

I know its hard but don't panic until you have good reason to panic:flowers:

28-10-11, 22:05
my baby is 8 months now but when i was 20 weeks pregnant i had a scan and they told me i had a fibroid the size of a grapefruit it scared me sooo much but they dident seem that worried.
they told me that the only worry they had if if it was in the way of the birth canal and they would keep an eye on it.

when i went back for my next scan they said they couldent see it and that scared me but they said my baby could be in the way of it and still dident seem concerned.

anyway i gave birth normally and i dident hear anything after so i must still have it.

i remember them saying that they usaully leave them if there not causing any discomfort.
but for the last couple of days ive had a bad back and im going a wee alot so maybe i should see my doc too.

hows your periods? since ive had my baby mine have been soo heavy like water and thats supposed to be another sign of a fibroid.

i think im going to get checked out again after reading your post all the bestxx:)