View Full Version : A question for migraine sufferers like myself.. ;(

28-10-11, 17:08
lately my migraines seem to have changed. I can get multiple auras. last episode I had included 5 visual auras :unsure:

have any of you experienced multiple auras? I will be speaking to my doc about this but just wondered if I was alone with this?

29-10-11, 02:16
No you're not alone. My migraines have changed every few years going from headache & vomiting with aura to aura free ones the most noticeable change being due to extreme stress & anxiety.

By the time I was diagnosed with ptsd in 2008 they were 2 or 3 a week with multiple auras. To manage them i was taking Almagram but when I was prescribed Citalopram I could no longer take it due to seritonin syndrome. My gp was also concerned that i was over medicating so advised me to take no medication for a month, it was agony. I was also fitted with a gum shield at night to stop me grinding my teeth & Amitriptyline to help with my sleep.

I found a combination of therapy, relaxation & increasing my dose of citalopram to 40mg lessened the frequency of my migraine.

I am almost migraine free now :) I have learnt to manage my anxiety & can manage my migraine with 2 doses of paracetamol & ibuprofen & some relaxation exercises. I'm sure that they were mostly due to anxiety & depression.

I hope my experience goes some way to help you, there are a number of prescription medications that may be able to help you.

01-11-11, 21:19
hi there, i had my first experience of multiple aura on sunday, i am used to getting aura with migraine but this day i had 2 lots of aura one around 9am the other at 1pm. I was really freaked as it had never happened me before but after reading these it seems it can happen and is not too serious. it is to do with the electrical circuitry in the brain. I have started taking epilim chrono for mood stabilizer and it apparantly helps with migraine but i am only on low dose yet

06-11-11, 11:27
Hi. I get migraines with aura but I am not sure what you mean by multiple auras. Do you mean one episode of zig zag lights etc which stop and then start again? If so, yes I sometimes get them.

06-11-11, 11:44
Yes rarely but does happen,
Sometimes I'm lucky I'll get the aura but it clears up fast without turning into a migraine.
My auras usually last hours rather than minutes.
I can also get migraines that go away only to return a few hours later.
I once was in bed for 3 days with a migraine headache pain!
I get nervous too when my migraine patteren changes.

07-11-11, 13:06
I used to get them some times. There are certain foods that can be triggers. Chocolate and sulphites can trigger migraines for me. I used to have a phobia of them, and was even afraid to eat any amount of chocolate. Would get panic attacks when ever I started getting a migraine but I got over that after accepting them and knowing they can't hurt you. I love chocolate now. :D