View Full Version : Could this be a tooth infection?

28-10-11, 18:35
Hey the past few days I've had cold symptoms such as cough and sore throat but I don't actually have a cold. I feel slight dizziness, generally feeling unwell and pain and discomfort in wisdom tooth area. Could this be a tooth infection? I'm really worried.

Please reply ASAP

Love Louise Xxxx

28-10-11, 21:42
a sore throat and dizziness is sometimes a viral symptom-which is not a classic cold by definition but viral all the same. Is it an upper or lower wisdom tooth you mention. The upper teeth are affected by the cheek ( maxillary ) sinuses so if you have a virus these teeth will feel achy and uncomfortable, lower teeth can also ache with illness if the jaw nerves are irritated. Wisdom tooth infection would probably not give cold symptoms you describe. -let me know how you get on-Ive been in dentisry for 20 years xxxxx

28-10-11, 21:59
When i had a bad sinus infection, i not only felt sick but my upper teeth (and even occasionally bottom) were so sensitive and sometimes even achey. I was sure i had a tooth infection!!! But I went to the dentist and teeth were perfect. Sometimes they still feel tingly if my allergies act up. But I could have sworn my teeth were the problem and they weren't. I was told that your teeth would hurt extremely badly if it was a tooth infection and you would know it.

28-10-11, 22:23
It's the upper wisdom that is causing discomfort. It's really sore and I can't eat on that side. I was told that the upper wisdoms are growing in wrong place so you reckon it's infected?

Please reply
Love louise xxx

29-10-11, 01:14
The upper wisdom tooth can cause sinus problems, which might make your throat a bit raw.
Cough and a sore throat doesn't point to a tooth infection.
Did the dentist mention tat you may need that tooth pulled?

Tooth infections symptoms are usually swelling around the area, swollen glands, a lot of pain and a fever.

I have had tone of issues with my wisdom teeth, get them pulled as soon as you can if they start giving you problems.

Use salt water, clean around the tooth, floss it and use some mouthwash with alcohol in it to kill any bacteria, an x-ray from the dentist will show up any infection.

29-10-11, 16:56
Hi louise
Glad you got some replies. Mishel has good advice about keeping the tooth area clean as you may have a chronic inflammation around the tooth-and this may have nothing to do with the way you feel physically-could be two things occurring at same time. I would say see your dentist for a professional appraisal. xxx